This is an older one. Taken in 1998, just a few months after our December 97 wedding. Ain't we sweet?
Hanging out at the botanical gardens with my two cool men. The Troll apologizes for his less-than-lovely head wound. I think that he hit himself in the head with a stick one day. He loves sticks.
This is the greatest picture! My mom took it. She either takes these weird, out-of-focus pictures, or else cuts half of someone's head off.
Beautiful ladies LOVE a Lady's Man. Here we see the Troll relaxing in the pool with a couple of beautiful ladies...ok, so they're his cousins, Sydney and Ashton. Sydney has an affliction in common with Loch, called JSS (Juvenile Snaggletooth Syndrome). Ashton is The Elf. I SPY Papa Dunn as well. Can you find him? (Hint: His mid-day ritual is retrieving the mail.)
Another night of rock n rollin with DSR. This was in a club called (I believe) Cafe Loco in Savannah. It was Feb/March 1999 and the club was PACKED. Of course I got stuck at the front of the club with my massively-pregnant-going-potty-every-ten-minutes self. Barry got hit on that night, with me standing right behind the stick-girl. I should have sat on her. Also pictured is bassist/vocalist Trent Allen. Not pictured is the currently MIA drummer Drew Worsham.
The Hilleys. Scary bunch, huh? I'm the one in the pink hat with the protruding tongue.
page last updated 3.9.2001