Barry and I seem to have unwittingly developed a habit of snapping our own picture when we are out on the town. These pictures invariably leave us looking - well - GEEKY! So feast your eyes on the galleria du geek. Hope you don't think too badly of us.
The original geek picture that started it all. Taken 31 December, 1999.
Just a couple of geeks out for a night on the town. This was taken New Year's 1999/2000. Barry (our resident rock star) played in this renovated church to a crowd of yuppie-types. We had a lot of fun, but I got hit on by this weirdo. He asked me if I went to raves. I said, "no, I have a kid, I don't go anywhere." Typical geek response. But I guess I'm not too geeky for other geeks to try to pick me up. Yuck.
18 November, 2000. Taken on our recent trip to Savannah, where Barry was scheduled to play yet another gig at the infamous Cafe Loco. This is at Fort Pulaski, as evidenced from the cannon protruding from my head.
page last updated 2.28.2001