Yer Local Honey
Days Of Our Lives
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Loch = The Troll
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I'm Ginger. Most I'm friendly with know me as Gingie or something like that. I was born in Athens, GA, and grew up in Elberton, GA. Now I live in Athens again with my husband, Barry, and my son, Lochlainn. We live a very quiet life.
You want more?
- work: Office of the Clerk of Courts, Athens-Clarke County Unified Government. My motto: "I work. Hard."
The Rules, in brief:
- The files do not leave the Office of the Clerk unless accompanied by a court clerk or some other official person.
- You may play music at your desk, provided that only you can hear it.
- No strappy tops and no jeans.
- If there is a place for the judge to sign and he has not, do NOT stamp it in. And watch your fingers when you stamp.
- The case searchers are paid to look up stuff. They're supposed to know what they are doing, even the crotchety ones.
- Do not adjust the thermostat.
- You must have a Final Dispo! Final Dispo!
- age: 27ish.
- hobbies:
- painting, artistically. Mostly bizarre cats. Sort of folksy/primitive/untrained.
- sewing. I pride myself on the fact that I can whip just about anything up on the machine. Whether or not I'll actually wear it is a different story.
- I have refinished furniture, dyed clothes, reupholstered chairs, and I took a metalworking/jewelry design class with my mom. (I only banged my finger with the hammer once, and only burned myself with molten silver once. I'm so proud.)
- I like to garden as well, but I'm just getting started seriously. I also try desperately to compost. I think my heap is too dry... And the neighbor's cat keeps eating out of it.
- In the past, my main hobby was dying my hair funky colors, but I'm much too matronly & mundane for that now. *ahem* I now stay cutting-edge by cutting my own hair. A dangerous hobby.
- Genealogy. I am what you might call a buff. I am the lazy sort, though - one of the scoundrels who allows other people to do all the work and then glean what I need. History is cool, even when you uncover gnarly facts about YOUR ancestors.
- t.v.:
- I like (what Barry calls) "sweeping epics" (i.e. Masterpiece Theatre).
- Confession: I like mindless tv. Passions, Buffy & Charmed. A little escape from reality after a day at the Clerk's office is not a bad thing. I wish I could stop time with the wave of a hand.
- Friends.
- Nature shows. Just no violence stemming from the natural order of things, please.
- Now that we have the supremo digital cable package, I'm really digging Sundance and IFC.
- Bob the Builder. YES WE CAN! OK that's just Loch.
- movies: Haven't seen much lately, as we are thrifty and the troll keeps us locked in the house each night.
- Good movies seen lately: Monsters, Inc., Boys Don't Cry, Harry Potter.
- Sneakers, with Robert Redford. An old favorite.
- Bringing Up Baby starring Katherine Hepburn & Cary Grant "Jimmy tha Rippa, see?"
- Philadelphia Story, ditto. "My, she was yar!"
- music: gets its own page here.
- books: Like I have time to read... but here are a few old-time favorites.
- To Kill A Mockingbird, Harper Lee
- The Color Purple, Alice Walker
- these are a few of my favorite things:
- Burt's Bees products (except the coconutty-smelling stuff).
- My Cuisinart food processor.
- Benadryl.
- Dried Fruit... papaya, pineapple & mango.
- Herbal teas. AKA hot flavored water.
- Sparkly Eyeshadow.
- Pants & jeans with flared legs. & Funky shoes.
- Retro prints.
- Milk Chocolate. With skim milk. How's about a little premenstrual endorphin rush? Ahh. Must have chocolate. M&Ms. Hershey's. Lindt. Reese. Snickers. Kre. Cho Co Late.
- interesting things about me:
- I'm a weather psychic, a super-taster, and am double-jointed.
- I got a pacemaker when I was 23, after spending a week in a dizzy funk and an episode of banging into a wall on my way to the floor.
- I have one thumb that will hyper-extend. The other I sliced open in 1993, and well, it doesn't move much at all.
- I love pickles, pepperoncinis, pickled jalopenos, sauerkraut and greek olives. Guess it's a biological need to counter-act some of my sweetness!?! Uh-Huh.
- I like to dance and sing, but only in front of those people who can't disown me.
- I make pizza from scratch. My own sauce and hand-smooshed dough. The only thing I don't make are the olives and the cheese.
- I have a recurring dream of coins. In it, I am walking along outside and suddenly come upon a place with many silver coins littering the ground. I bend and try to pick them all up, but there are too many and I have nothing to put them in.

last updated 6.29.2002