Homeward GINGIEEEEE! Loch = The Troll My Brother Nate Chibba Language Various & Sordid |
I believe this expression has stayed with me, living somewhere on the inside of me, since the day I met Nathan. Nathan is two years younger than me. As kids we always lived out in the sticks, so had no friends. We kinda hated each other, yet there was no one else around, so we were pretty much forced to find something to do with (to) each other. It all worked out OK, because we are friends now, even though he lives in Missoula, Montana. My constant goal in life was to give Nathan merciless hell. And vice/versa, you can be sure. (He claims) I chipped his two front teeth while we were "rasslin" on our cousins' trampoline. He hit me between the eyes with a brass belt buckle. Now he has caps and I have a scar between my eyes. I seem to mostly recall what I did to him; maybe I've just forgotten through clouded adult eyes what his war crimes were. Maybe it was just me and I was that rotten. I was pretty rotten. I bossed him. I killed his spiderman toy by convincing him that spiderman needed a critical "operation". I broke his Transformer. But I took one of his spankings once, and he was always breathing on me, and was always "on my side of the car/couch/etc." so I figure we are about even. The Story of RewindNathan and I, being the hillbilly country types that we were growing up, were in our teens before the family purchased a VCR. Years before, my dad (being of sound mind and body *ahem*) was faced with a decision of technological proportions. Should he purchase: 1) a VCR. 2) a BETA. 3) a satellite dish? He chose the dish. Now this was the era of the gigantic yard dishes. This thing was huge. And as it tracked the satellites, it moved a lot. I was always scared that I would get hit by it while it gyrated in the yard. Anyway, my father chose the dish, reasoning that it would work as a replacement for cable TV (which we lived too far out to get) and an avenue to receive movies as well. And we enjoyed it for a while. Then along came scrambler technology, and all our programming was gone. So we got a VCR. Nathan and I would always bug mom on Friday afternoons to let us go by the video store and rent a movie. Sometimes we would both pick out one, and then we'd watch them together. That was not a problem in itself. But you can be sure we found something to argue about: The Remote Commander and Control of It. So we argued over the remote. And which movie we would watch first. On the particular day of the Rewind Event, I do not remember what we watched. I do know that I had the remote. We were watching the movie, probably fairly peacefully. Then the phone rang. Nathan got up to get it. Being the total jackass that I was, I let the movie play on without pausing it. He said, "Rewind it!" And I guess I ignored him. "Rewind it, Ginger!" I think we yelled back and forth a few more times. He was really worked up by the time he actually got to the phone. He picked it up, and when he should have said, "Hello?" he said "Rewind?" And we still laugh about it. Sometimes, just for fun, I pick up the phone and say, "Rewind?" page last updated 2.28.2001 |