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What Kind of Name is Lochlainn, Anyway?Ok, so it's a little weird. We fell into that dream of naming our child a name we thought spoke of the "Old World". My family's origins stem from Ireland, Scotland & Wales, and Barry's folks are from Scots-Irish-Appalachian Highlanders, so we chose a Scottish name with a Gaelic spelling. It's a name that means "land of lakes" literally. (Like LOCH Ness... except we call ours LOCH Mess.) My Granny basically told me I was cursing him with the name, because no one would be able to spell it. What she doesn't know is that if Loch had been a girl, we would have named her Sarah Helen (her name). But the worst that's happened is that Loch's been called "Loach"... like the fish. Anyway, in my few weeks at the office of the Clerk of Courts, I have come across some weird names. Some I guess as weird as "Lochlainn"... or weirder. So here's an alphabetical list, enjoy:
page last updated 5.26.2001 |