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Fifteenth Edition  September 15, 2002
(page 1)
W e l c o m e

Welcome to the fifteenth edition of our newsletter. This newsletter helps us feel even more companionship with each other. As always, we’ve filled it with information and inspiration.

Our online newsletter is available to anyone who enters our site. It’s a way for us to reach out to other parents in pain. It’s a way for others to catch a glimpse of the terrible tragedy that has brought us to Parents of Suicides. Yes, our pain is great and permanent, but we still strive to make meaning out of our new lives. Every time you express your feelings here, you are reaching others. And it does help them and us.

There are two very special articles in the edition: "Bill’s Song" and "Angela’s Poem." Diane Yates (mom to Bill Proctor) has written a poem that will become a lasting tribute to Bill by becoming a song (page 5). Deborah Hemingway Conley (mom to Angie's) has written a poem, My Daughter Died by Suicide (page 12). Let’s take the time to thank them both for sharing their meaningful words with us.

Today begins Yellow Ribbon Suicide Awareness and Prevention week in many states and some nations ( I’ll be wearing my yellow ribbon, and I encourage you to wear one, too. If there’s a ceremony nearby, please attend and bring a picture of your child(ren). It’s our chance to be heard.

Please enjoy this issue. And, feel free to write me with any comments or suggestions. You’re input is so appreciated. Wishing you peace, comfort and joy, today and always. Until next time, take care. Hugs.



Editor, The Butterfly Net

PJ (Philip)’s Mom Forever