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Fifteenth Edition  September 15, 2002
(page 13)
Butterfly Kisses

What restraint or limit should there be to grief for one so dear?
  Contributed by Janine (Cory)

A thousand words will not leave so deep an impression as one deed.
  Henrik Johan Ibsen, Playwright
  Contributed by Karyl (Arlyn)

She does not leave, she is not gone,
she looks upon us still.
She walks among the valleys now,
she strides upon the hill.

Her smile is in the summer sky,
her grace is in the breeze.
Her mem'ries whisper in the grass
her calm is in the trees.

Her light is in the winter snow,
her tears are in the rain.
Her merriment runs in the brook,
her laughter in the lane.

Her gentleness is in the flowers
her sigh in autumn leaves.
She does not leave, she is not gone,
'Tis only we that grieve.
  Celtic Blessing
  Joyce (Karen)
 ...there is no more ridiculous custom than the one that makes you express sympathy once and for all on a given day to a person whose sorrow will endure as long as his life.  Such grief, felt in such a way
is always "present," it is never too late to talk about it, never too repetitious to mention it again.    
  Marcel Proust (Letters)
  Jackie (Jess)