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The Butterfly Net Team

Website Publication and Archives, Photo Album
Memorial Dates and Birth Dates, New Members
Members' Birthdays
Inspiration, New Member Greetings and Special Interest Stories
Informational Reports
Background Assistance
Editor, Joys and Concerns
Fifteenth Edition  September 15, 2002
(page 9)
N E W   P H O T O S

Photo Album Additions, Page 20*

Daniel Reynolds Page (18)
09/11/81 - 08/30/00
Beloved Son of
April Cline
Germantown, MD

Nathan Eisert (20)
05/27/82 - 06/08/02
Beloved Son of
Jan and Stephen Ulrich
Bowling Green, KY

Jason Anthony Gallant (21)
03/21/80 - 11/17/01
Beloved Son of
James & Terri Gallant
Lincoln, Nebraska

Christian (Chrissie) Victoria (15)
11/14/86 - 12/06/01
Beloved Daughter of
Kathie & David Carrigan
Germantown, MD

Photo Album Additions, Page 21*

Jonathan Orlandiss Taylor (29)
03/06/73 - 06/08/02
Beloved Son of
Andrea R. Taylor

Nicola (15)
9/10/85 - 06/24/02
Beloved Daughter of
Rona Raphael

Scrapbook #2

Rona Raphael (Mum to Nicola)

  New Folders

Diane Y.

This section has photos of the POS car, a car raced in the memory of Bill Proctor, son of Ray and Diane.  There's a photo of the car surrounded by yellow butterflies, and many others that show
our POS car.

Our Tattoos

This section is filled with photos of the many tattoos our members have.  Most if not all have been done in memory of their sons or daughters.

* Our Photo Album, Rest in Peace site, and many other pages, are located in our POS memorial Web site.

If you wish to apply for a mini-memorial for your child, please email Elaine at

If you wish to add your photo to Scrapbook #2, Rest In Peace or Rest in Peace Family Room, please contact Elaine ( ) or Karyl ( ).

**To find Yahoo Group photos, go to your Yahoo Group account for POS and click on theon the PHOTOS link on the left side bar. Then enter whatever folder you wish.