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The Butterfly Net Team

Website Publication and Archives, Photo Album
Memorial Dates and Birth Dates, New Members
Members' Birthdays
Inspiration, New Member Greetings and Special Interest Stories
Informational Reports
Background Assistance
Editor, Joys and Concerns
Fifteenth Edition  September 15, 2002
(page 6)
Special Announcements

FFOS Retreat

The Friends and Families of Suicides (FFOS) group will hold its first retreat  - a mini-retreat, actually, in Pavo, Georgia the week-end of September 27th.  Any POS member interested in attending is invited to join. Just email Karyl at for information.

In addition, those who want to send messages to be placed in the Peace Fire for their sons or daughters may email them to Karyl at or snail mail them to her at PO Box 417, Pavo, GA 31778.

Butterfly Tree Book

We are putting together a book with short biographies of all who have photos on the Butterfly Tree. This is so that visitors may read a little of their stories when they see the photos.

If there is a photo of your son or daughter on the Butterfly Tree, please email Karyl for instructions for the bio asap if you do not have a copy. She wants to have the book ready before the FFOS retreat begins.