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Editor, Joys and Concerns
Fifteenth Edition  September 15, 2002
(page 2)
C o n c e r n s

Please lift our friends and their families in your thoughts as they face challenges and difficult times:

Frieda (Buckley)~She's been having a very difficult time coping with her depression and grief.  Monday (September 16) she will be going to court, and needs our positive wishes.

Sally (Ronnie)~"I have and had thoughts of ending it.  I can't see relief of the pain that I feel without my son."  She feels to blame for his suicide.  "I don't see any bright sunny day ahead.  All I see is darkness and wanting so much to be with Ronnie...I don't see any letting up. It will be 2 years in Nov. It hurts the same as it did then." 

Barbara (Jason)~ Her grandson Geoffrey "continues with ups and downs."  His low platelet count means that  he is now restricted from most activity. "Sometimes, his platelet count gets as high as 24,000. Other times, it drops so low he can hardly walk. He has treatments every week."

Barbara (Jason)~"Barbara [Jason's aunt] was transferred out of the re-hab hospital and to cardiac ICU in another. She was getting much worse. It's been four long months now. She's very, very sick."

Barbara (Jason)~JD Garland, her other grandson (11 years old) has had numerous health concerns, including "Russell Silver Syndrome."  "He is sceduled to go into Riley next month for a series of tests and probably surgeries. I can't describe how I feel about him. He's SO much like Jason..."

Norma (Terri)~Norma spent the night in the hospital last Thursday.   She's home, and back online, awaiting more tests and results.

Maggi (Sacia)~Her mother is ill. 

Marcia (Doug)~"My son Jeremy's battle with Hodgkin's disease." (Ongoing concern, until Jeremy is in remission.)

Please contact Marcy through POS group or at to list your concern.