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Editor, Joys and Concerns
Fifteenth Edition  September 15, 2002
(page 3)
J o y s

Please share in our friends' moments of joy.

Lori (Jeffy)~"My joy is watching my only grandchild, Jade, while her mommy is recovering from minor surgery. She is 19 months old, and has red hair and blue eyes. She is sure alot of fun, and also tires her  'mimi' out."

Diane (Bill)~"It has been two years since the death of our son Bill and two weeks after Bill's death our grandaughter was born. She has brought so much joy to this family in a time that we needed something to help us along our way . She will never take Bill's place but she sure has given us a new look at life again. We are so thankful for the jot she has brought us . She will be turning TWO on Sept 15."

Linda (Ray)~"My joy is this group. I know that when I am having a hard time I can write and tell the truth here. I get help here. And I can't seem to find that anywhere else."

Marcy (PJ)~"My joy is that I'm a member of such a caring, sympathetic group.  We've suffered great loss, but we share the burden, which lightens the load."

Please contact Marcy through POS group or at to list your joy.