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Whitehead Promenade, viewed from the sea

Whitehead County Antrim Northern Ireland

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DEFIBRILLATOR heart restarting machine. This is now stored at the Spar shop Edward Road for borrowing by group events. (A defibrillator was bought for use at events in Whitehead. The Spar shop in Edward Road is open long hours and appears to be the best place to store it.)


Training in use of the defibrillator is available. Speak to the Community Centre manager for more info.

Local band Shindig have released their first CD


Ruby Casey

Non-perishable goods, especially, tea, sugar, coffee, toothpaste, toothbrushes, baby wipes, etc needed for Whitehead Storehouse, that helps people on low incomes.

Local, Pauline E Bingham’s book 'Green Pastures', on the  Gobbins over 100 years ago available in local shops, including The Bank House and Jordans.

The Railway Preservation Society of Ireland has filed a planning application for the proposed £4m upgrade of its centre at Whitehead. The Society is aiming to develop its site as a heritage engineering museum and has set itself a target of attracting 20,000 visitors a year. Among the attractions will be a viewing gallery which would enable visitors to observe work being carried out in the engineering workshops. In addition, there are plans for a turntable, a signal cabin, station building, education centre, cafe and souvenir shop.

The Society believes that its Whitehead depot has the potential to become a major tourist centre, something that would boost the wider East Antrim economy. Full details of the project are to be put on display for local residents and people from further afield at an event at Whitehead Community Centre on Wednesday March 21. The public information session, intended to address any neighbourhood concerns about the Society’s planning application, will run from 4.30pm until 8.30pm. The venue will be the Community Association’s premises at 20 Balmoral Avenue, Whitehead. Tea and coffee will be available.

A spokesman for the RPSI said they hoped that local residents would avail of the opportunity to come along and learn more about the RPSI’s plans. The project is being backed by Carrickfergus Council, the Heritage Lottery Fund, Ulster Garden Villages, GROW South Antrim and the Northern Ireland Museums Council.

Railway Preservation Society of Ireland

Planning Application