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Carrickfergus Information provided by Carrickfergus Borough Council

Whitehead web site gets news from Carrickfergus Borough Council about events and happenings of interest to Whitehead residents and visitors, so a new set of web pages has been set up to pass this on to you.

For further information:

Stephen Daye, Parks & Countryside Development Officer,

Carrickfergus Borough Council .

Tel: (028) 93358039 ~ Mobile: 0793 963 3834


About this site

Best Kept Allotment Judging Date Announced

Joanne Lawer at a vegetable plot in Eden allotment gardens

The Eden Allotment Gardens Best Allotment Competition, sponsored by Sunnybank Garden Centre takes place at the beginning of July 2010. Stephen Daye, Parks & Countryside Development Officer with Carrickfergus Borough Council said “It’s part of the Carrickfergus in Bloom Competition. Each year the village enters Translink Ulster in Bloom (which is part of Britain in Bloom) along with the other Borough towns of Carrickfergus, Whitehead and Greenisland.”


Not only will Eden as a whole be judged, but also the allotments within it, where keen gardeners who have been tending their plots of land will have their efforts recognised. This competition involves everyone who owns an allotment at the Eden site. Participants can earn top marks in horticultural achievement, environmental responsibility and community participation.  The judges will be looking for: environment sustainability; the variety & quality of the crop; the control of weeds & rubbish; the use of compost; general appearance; creativity of each plot.


The Best Allotment Competition prizes are: 1st Prize: £60.00 Gift Voucher plus two Runner-Up Prizes: £35.00 Gift Voucher. The award ceremony will take place at the October Carrickfergus in Bloom Prize Giving lunch.


The Council opened the allotment site at Eden in 2008 and with 198 plots it is now the largest allotment gardens in Ireland. Borough residents are welcome to visit Eden Allotment Gardens off Beltoy Road to view what the allotmenteers have achieved. We would like to thank Sunnybank Garden Centre who kindly sponsored the Best Kept Allotment Competition.”

Those residents that do not have an allotment can join the Carrickfergus Mayor and take the ‘One Pot Pledge’ or just put up a floral basket or window box.