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Whitehead County Antrim Northern Ireland

The Whitehead web site gets asked occasionally if lost friends, ancestors or relatives from the Whitehead area can be traced. While it is impossible for the web site to trace all those with whom you may have lost touch or to provide information on ancestors from the area, a FEW friends have been traced and put in touch through these pages.

This page is available for posting information seeking lost friends and also contains some links to genealogy sites that may be of use in your searches. Please remember to protect your own privacy and that of your lost friend.

Email addresses will only be posted here as graphics (pictures) so you will not be able to click on these to send an email - you will need to type the address directly into your email address box. This is to try and avoid unwanted advertisements, commonly known as s*p^a.m! This will stop some unwanted items but not all. Please note that this web site does NOT send any unwanted advertisements of any kind.

Irish Census 1901 and 1911

Public Records Office Northern Ireland

Linen Hall Library

New pages now added covering how to search for lost friends and how to trace your ancestors, with useful web links

A new “obituary” page has been added where you can list the loss of a friend or family member and even post an obituary, if you choose.

Lost Friends and Relatives