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Whitehead County Antrim Northern Ireland


This is a people-search engine. It trawls the web and will give you an overview of information, which may include photos, contacts or web pages. You can also place a “wanted ad” Registration is free.

Directory enquiries search, will provide address , map and contact number for those who are not ex-directory and will provide some information for those who are ex-directory. Some information can be obtained free, other info requires payment


This is a free search engine which will find online references to the person you are seeking.


Another free web search

Registration and payment  required before searching


Requires registration before starting


Requires registration and payment before searching

BT phone Directory

Provides telephone number and address for those in the telephone directory

Friends Reunited

Covers old schoolfriends, including Universities and Colleges. Free to use but you need to register first.

You can search for people on Google, Yahoo, Altavista and Microsoft’s brand new search engine Bing just by typing in their name and clicking on the search button or hitting the return key but for ordinary people (as opposed to celebrities) most of the search results will probably not be relevant to what you want.

If you want to find an old friend, you may need to use some of the specialist sites. Some are free, others require you just to register and others are by subscription only. This page lets you see what search engines are available to find friends or even just to see what is available about YOU. Remember also to try the social networking sites such as Facebook, Bebo, Myspace, Twitter, etc.

This site does not endorse or recommend any of these sites and does not receive any benefits from any links to them. Please use your discretion when checking out these sites.

Bigfoot email finder

Finds email addresses for people


Free people search engine


Another free person search site


Can give quite good results

People who are likely to be or have been online

People who may not be online

People searches

Electoral Roll Research


Paid - for service