News & Opinion

Here's a quick recap for all of you wondering what the hell has been going on. As I mentioned before, I'm now a part of New Midwest Wrestling... a paid member of the team (we all got paid after the show last weeked). Yes, that makes me a true Pro-Wrestling Manager. For those of you that checked out, you've seen my latest column there where I talk about a knee injury at the hands of Rip Mystic. Is it true? Well, yes and no. Yes, I really did hurt my knee, but it was before the show. I did the show anyway and went to the doctor on Monday to see if the MRI results showed anything too horrible. My ACL and Meniscus were both torn. The ACL will heal in time, I was told. The Meniscus needed surgery. I went in for the surgery on Tuesday. I've spent the last few days sitting around my apartment in minor pain (except for when 90 cc's of blood filled my knee and I had to get that drained). So I have been a bit preoccupied.
SO... What about Jason X? I have spoken many times about how Part 6 endeared itself to me because of it's refusal to take itself too seriously. Jason X may now have surpassed Part 6 on my fav's list. The movie was funny, bloody, and had that same kind of Scorpion-King-this-movie-is-so-bad-it's-good sh!t eating grin on it's face. I thought that the effects were fantastic, the story was simple enough, yet not stupid, and I really want to go see it again.
I also noticed that Yahoo! Movies listed Jason X as #3 at the box-office with a weekend intake of $6 mil. I dare say that another Jason flick isn't out of the question, and maybe this will stoke the fires of FvJ.
Roger Ebert's a shit-head. 'Nuff said.
For anyone else who cares, Resident Evil is out on GameCube in full force. If you have $250 to spare, get a 'Cube and a copy of RE. Even if you played the original a bizzillon times, you will still get scared and dirty your drawers playing this one. If you've never played any of them and thought that maybe you might give one a try at some time, this is the one to get. Be forewarned - This is the most difficult RE yet. Don't be surprised if it makes you into a better gamer.
A few notes...
Kane Hodder has a part in the upcomiong DareDevil movie playing one of the bodyguards who kills DD's father.
Molly P - Did you e-mail me something? My SPAM filters get a little jumpy and I thought I saw your e-mail address right before they flushed your e-mail away. Please re-send.
I have some new Infinity entries to post, but I'm going to need to redo the Infinity page first. I really never thought there'd be more than 3 or 4 entries, so I need to re-organize that.
If anyone has a motherboard for an AMD K-6 2 500mhz that they'd like to donate, please, PLEASE let me know.
If anyone can get their hands on Bust-A-Groove for PSX, my wife will adore you.
Jason X is almost here! Plus, new Infinity entries!
Finally! UPDATES!!!! and the NEW Jason X release date!
My ISP sucks and Jason Goes To Hell
Forget Freddy Vs. Jason and say hello to Jason Vs. Freddy!
Why do YOU hate slasher movies?
New Jason X rumors
JASON X RELEASE DATE and HalloweeN Merchandise
Director List and new DVD Releases
Go out and buy BOOGEYMEN on DVD!
Jason in Pro Wrestling?
Jason X delays and F13 DVDs