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The Disaster News Article for the Re-patent of the "Cyberpeople" Artifact

Last Update July 24, 2006

Cyberpeople implant kills four in Baltimore

Sun Mar 12, 2024 1:29 PM ET
By Lutfi Abu Oun and Ibon Villelabeitia

BALTIMORE (Reuters) – Four test subjects died on the operating table in Johns Hopkins Hospital while attempting to save their lives by removing the Cyberpeople implant Saturday evening due to severe epileptic seizures. President Chelsea Clinton called it a horrible disaster in United States history.

Three of the four confirmed dead were Baltimore residents: Gordon Raach, 45, of 23 Belgian Ave.; Jennifer Zerad, 29, of 16 Yosemite Ave.; Peggy Trzevich, 36, of 75 Cator Ave.; Trevor West, 32, of 229 Marigold St., Vicksburg, Miss.

"I saw this man (Trevor West) begin twitching as he was walking down the street in front of me. He suddenly collapsed on the sidewalk and went into convulsions. I quickly called 911 for help on my cell phone," a witness, who declined to be named, said at the scene.

Earlier on Saturday, three other people also collapsed in what appeared to be epileptic seizures and were quickly rushed to Johns Hopkins emergency room. Cause of death was due a counter electrical signal delivered to the victims by the Cyberpeople jack causing an electrical short to the brain.

President Chelsea Clinton said, “This incident raises grave implications and ethical questions as to who and when we the people decide how far to allow technology to advance?”

“We deeply regret that four people have died because of the invention and we extend our sympathy to the loved ones who have been left behind,” said Christopher Paulsen, president and chief information officer of The Integral Worm.

Currently, The international corporation is frantically seeking the other 126 test subject to rush them into emergency surgery to remove the implants before more lives are lost.

“We are doing everything possible to locate the test subjects in order to prevent further loss of life,” said Christopher Paulsen.

When Reuters asked to speculate on the cause of the deaths, Paul said, “At this time we are not clear on what has gone wrong and the cause right now ranks as our lowest concern. What is of the utmost importance is getting the test subjects into surgery and removing the technology in order to prevent more loss of life.”

An employee of The Integral Worm who chose to remain anonymous offered speculation on the cause of the short circuit. The employee said that there may be a hardware problem with the surgically implanted flash Basic Input Output System (BIOS) chip which permitted a stray charge to be emitted into the central nervous system countering the electro-chemical activities of the brain causing a possible short circuit.

Another anonymous employee differed with this opinion and said the possibility exists that there may be a flaw in the program instructions within the flash BIOS chip that permitted a current to pass through to the central nervous system.

Anyone with information on the whereabouts of the remaining 126 test subjects should instruct them to call 1-(800) 989-7400 24/7 for further instructions on where to report to have the implant removed.

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The Integral Worm • Christopher Paul • Independent Senior Technical Writer/Editor

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