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The Promotional News Article for the Re-patent of the "Cyberpeople" Artifact

Last Update July 20, 2006

The Integral Worm Interfaces the Human Brain with a Computer

ARTICLE DATE: 01.16.11
By Tarmo Virki, Reuters, eWEEK

HELSINKI (Reuters)—Artificial Intelligence systems maker The Integral Worm Inc. expects to see increasing revenues from the sale of its flagship product for use on PC’s, its president and chief information officer said on Thursday.

"We are on the bleeding edge of technology," P. Christopher Paul told Reuters in an interview while in Finland where he visited clients such as Interspatial Inc. The Cyberpeople Jack is a complex marriage of computer hardware technology, computer software technology, and biogenetically engineered human nerve tissue created within the laboratory. The recipient must first undergo a biopsy in order to have DNA extracted to recreate the recipient's own nerves in order to prevent rejection by the recipient's body. Once the nerves have matured, the recipient undergoes surgery implanting the nerve bundle into the central nervous system to send visual information from the memory center of the brain. A biogenetically engineered jack with a specially designed Basic Input Output System (BIOS) chip which interprets electrochemical signals from the recipient's brain and converts these signals to computer signals is grafted to the recipient's neck permitting a IEEE 1394 standard firewire cable and USB 2.0 cable to be plugged in, he said.

"We are on virgin territory here and of course this technology is not for everyone... for 1000’s years people have struggled with being to explain something that was visual/spatial in their minds and for those of us who are not artists... how do you explain the image... We were vigilant to make this happen, and we did" Paul said.

The opposite ends of the IEEE 1394 firewire and the USB cable are plugged into a PC. Special software is installed on the PC in order to permit the computer user to display visual information from the computer user's brain directly on the computer monitor, Paul said.

"The computer user with practice learns how to alter and manipulate the image in the user’s mind thereby altering the image on the screen. Of course this technology is extremely cost prohibitive at the moment but the object was to prove that we could do this," he said.

The Integral Worm, the internationally traded corporation known for its artificial intelligence computer systems and, after its acquisition of Electrobiosys five years ago, set on a mission to see if it was possible to interface the human brain with a computer, he said.

Sample output of spatial rendering from a test subject’s mind.

Over 130 test subjects have undergone the complex surgery and have had no complications or side effects from the system.

"We have been able not just to present combined strategy but also to execute against that strategy. It's off to a great start," he said.

"We are not quite ready to go into production ... but having received the patent for the system I'd like to believe that most of the heavy lifting is behind us."

Analysts and investors say the integration of the two companies is a good fit, because The Integral Worm's strength is in artificial intelligence and computer systems, while Electobiosys is a leader in regeneration of damaged nerve tissue.

For more detailed information on the Cyberpeople jack visit

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