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Modes of Communication: The handshake Modes of Communication: The handshake

The Shipka Spaces: Theories of Communication and Technology

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Communicative Objective #1 (CO1): The Re-patent

Explanation of How to Read "This" Objective ·  Explanation of the URCAD Edition of the Re-patent ·  Parameters for Re-patenting an Artifact from the U.S. Patent Office

Photos of the Re-patent "Cyberpeople" Artifacts ·  An Artificial Intelligent's Theory on God: The URCAD Edition ·  The Serio-Ludic/Narrative-Sketch Genre of the U.S. Re-patent Office

The Test Subject Simulation of the "Cyberpeople Jack Implant" Artifact: The URCAD Edition ·  Promotional News Article for the Re-patent of the "Cyberpeople" Artifact

Disaster News Article for the Re-patent of the "Cyberpeople" Artifact ·  "Cyberpeople" Re-patent Goals and Choices ·  "Cyberpeople" Re-patent Process Narrative-Sketch

The Re-patent Workshops One and Two: Brainstorming Ideas Within a Social Context ·  A List of Artifacts Considered for Re-patent that were Researched, Tested, and Abandoned

The Re-patent Blackboard Community Post #1 ·  The Re-patent Blackboard Community Post #2 ·  The Re-patent Blackboard Community Post #3 ·  The Re-patent Blackboard Community Post #4 ·  The Re-patent Blackboard Community Post #6

The "Cyberpeople" Re-patent Rolling Credits: Who contributed to "this" objective.

Last Update July 19, 2006

The "Rolling Credits" only includes living beings, as my semiotics demonstrates, many other things had an influence in constructing this multi-modal argument.

Dr. Jody Shipka
I would like to thank Dr. Shipka for all her support. We are allowed to come back into your classes even if we are not enrolled in them? Hell yea, if I can be there I will. I want more but I don't need the credit.

Ryoko Byrd
I would like to thank Ryoko, the parrot, for putting up with me. She hasn't been given the opportunity to socialize since the semester started.

Dr. Karen Carpenter
Dr. Carpenter should also receive credit for introducing me to semiotics and for having said the word Anime. What is more semiotic than Anime?

Greg Masters
Greg Masters, a fellow Writing Center tutor and mentor for me in the center. He is one of the few veterans in the trenches left from the old regime of tutors. He belongs to the Chess Club, which provides him with grounding into the student culture of UMBC and he is a fellow scientist. Greg is a great listener and thinker. I sincerely thank him for listening to my aberrated mind babbling, trying to determine what is going on in these Shipka Spaces.

Steven Norfolk
Of course who can forget Steven Norfolk. We connect across generations through science fiction, Anime and intellectual stimulation, he's a stimulating fellow when one takes the time to get to know him. This is my second class with him and he is yet another fellow Writing Center tutor.

Naphtali Barsky
Naphtali Barsky? Ah yes, another intellectually stimulating fellow when one takes the time to get to know him. I have taken three classes with him. At times he can have some powerful insights and Naphtali is strong in grammar.

Mathew Bowen
Good ol' Matt Bowen. A friendly and kind sort of fellow. He does define himself improperly though. I don't find him to be lazy, but laid back. Lazy conjures up negative connotations and laid back conjures up positive connotations. Being laid back creates an inviting space for people and makes him approachable. I think Matt will do well in life.

Daniel DiCripso
Daniel DiCripso yet another fellow in the Writing Center who is a tutor, a ENGL 395 survivor, a Pisces like myself, and a wonderful, friendly young man. He will graduate and go on to Grad school in the fall. I will dearly miss him.

Brittany Bauhaus
Brittany Bauhaus for her chatter with a friend made me realize two things: One, the reason men don't get it is because there is a failure to com-mun-i-cate. Two, she was talking to a classmate or friend about what was going on in class (both classes). I then had another satori that Shipka had opened new channels of communication on this campus and that's a good thing. There is now a spark of life again and it's contagious. After today's performance in 407, "kid you've got the stuff." I was really moved by the emotion in your voice and that is not someone goes on stage and fakes. I don't tell people they are good to be polite. I just remain silent when they suck. (Mom: If you don't anything nice to say, say nothing at all. "This" is why crickets can be deafening.)

Sarah Miller
Sarah Miller is a fine, sweet young woman who has proven "Never judge a book by it's cover." Miller has proven to be more than just another pretty face: A fantastic writer and a voracious reader.

Megan Purcell
Megan Purcell? Ah yes, we had a nice little late night chat I initiated while in the library while I was taking a break. She was hard at work bashing out a paper for some other class and was kind enough to look up from her work and not shoo me away. Yet another stimulating young intellectual. Bless her for deciding into education, she will make a marvelous teacher.

Crystal Gatton
Crystal Gatton also deserves credit for the thought of re-inventing the student desk now abandoned. Ashley Campbell of course deserves credit for her input on the promotional news-wire.

Elizabeth Piccirillo
Elizabeth Piccirillo, once again a fellow Writing Center tutor and like Matt, Naphtali, and Steve, she survived ENGL 395 and is now a veteran of ENGL 324. When we had talks about what I was doing in ENGL 488 Visual Literacy somehow I was failing to com-mun-i-cate. Much of what I learned applies to ENGL 324 and 407, but Piccirillo, at the time could not make a connection for herself about what I had discussed about 488 with ENGL 324. The cross-over word is Semiology. Piccirillo is also a journalist so we can communicate across those channels and she also led me to the Chronotopic Lamination article. I am connecting the dots and it is helping me to navigate within "this" space. Piccirillo is also a fellow ENGL 495 Rhetoric classmate.

Erica Ostroski
Erica Ostroski, one more fellow Writing Center tutor, a ENGL 395 survivor, another Pisces, and a terrific listener. Ostroski is a Linguistics major with a minor in French. She was one of the students in the LING 210 class we visited for Shipka's History. Ostroski said, "She [Shipka] seems like a great professor." Chris said, "She IS but somehow I have failed to com-mun-i-cate with you [Erica] how she has caused me to reflect on everything I have learned about since entering college all so long ago about com-mun-i-cation, learning, teaching, seeing the world. I have shed my Second Skin and it feels wonderful." Alternative Version, Alternative Version.

Boss Paul of "Cool Hand Luke"
Cool Hand Luke, the movie (Boss Paul: "What we have here is a failure to com-mun-icate. You can't com-mun-i-cate if your mind ain't right. If your mind ain't right, you can't com-mun-I-cate.") Which leads to the old Saturday Night Live skit doing a parody of Cool Hand Luke. "You can't learn French if your mind ain't right. If your mind ain't right, you can't learn French. "This" throws me back to Ostroski.)

Arthur C. Clarke
Arthur C. Clark (For having written 2001: A Space Odyssey, which made it possible to borrow and rephrase the line "My God! It's full of stars," to suit my own analogy.) George Lucas (For having created Star Wars, which made it possible to borrow and rephrase the line "Luke, use the Force," to suit my own analogy.)

Dr. S. Brent Morris
Special thanks to Dr. S. Brent Morris, Mathematician and lecturer in the Magic, Mathematics, and Masonry presentation. Without his stimulation for both projects, the Patent and the OED would have probably been impossible.

All of my peers in ENGL324 Communications and Technology and ENGL407 Communications in Society
Credit should also be extended to everyone in 324 and 407 because with different people in the room the end result I think would be somehow different.

The Cricket
Last but not least, credit goes to the cricket. The cricket was a dead giveaway that either I had gone mad or that I hit upon something so bizarre that Cyberpeople was worth pursuing.

Thanks all, without you none of this would have been necessary! ("That" was a joke...)

Contributors of the URCAD Presentation Edition of "The Cyberpeople Jack Implant: A Study of Remediation, Ethics, and Technology"
According to the guidelines of the original assignment, the only research l was allowed to perform in creating "this" project was researching the U.S. Patent Office Database. The purpose of this constraint was to see what I made of the information within the database without external influence.

The readings and web sites I have suggested all came long after this project was submitted February 24, 2006 and compromise the URCAD Presentation Edition of the Re-patent. As I continued to discuss these ideas with others, more and more people began to make incremental suggestions as to where to seek new information in the area of interfacing the human brain with machines. Hence, I am grateful for contributions made by Dr. Jody Shipka, Dr. Jennifer Maher, Dr. Gail Orgelfinger, Daniel Reiner, and Jonathan Deane in reverse and forward engineering "this" multi-modal communication. The exhaustive list of contributors to "this" project may be found under the heading "Acknowledgements" within "Goals and Choices" of "this" project.

Why were the Tachicomas from “Ghost in the Machine” not included in the credits?

An astute question. If you read through the entire multi-modal argument it should be readily apparent why the Tachicomas were NOT included in the “Rolling Credits” and abundantly clear in the opening sentence of the “Rolling Credits.”

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