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Communicative Objective #1 (CO1): The Re-patent

Explanation of How to Read "This" Objective ·  Explanation of the URCAD Edition of the Re-patent ·  Parameters for Re-patenting an Artifact from the U.S. Patent Office

Photos of the Re-patent "Cyberpeople" Artifacts ·  An Artificial Intelligent's Theory on God: The URCAD Edition

The Test Subject Simulation of the "Cyberpeople Jack Implant" Artifact: The URCAD Edition ·  Promotional News Article for the Re-patent of the "Cyberpeople" Artifact

Disaster News Article for the Re-patent of the "Cyberpeople" Artifact ·  "Cyberpeople" Re-patent Goals and Choices ·  "Cyberpeople" Re-patent Process Narrative-Sketch

The Re-patent Rolling Credits: Who Contributed to "This" Objective ·  The Re-patent Workshops One and Two: Brainstorming Ideas Within a Social Context ·  A List of Artifacts Considered for Re-patent that were Researched, Tested, and Abandoned

The Re-patent Blackboard Community Post #1 ·  The Re-patent Blackboard Community Post #2 ·  The Re-patent Blackboard Community Post #3 ·  The Re-patent Blackboard Community Post #4 ·  The Re-patent Blackboard Community Post #6

The Serio-Ludic/Narrative-Sketch Genre of the U.S. Re-patent Office

Last Update August 20, 2006

Why are there two different Patent genres are shown on "this" page?
Shown after the “Serio-Ludic/Narrative-Sketch Re-patent Genre” document (Version 2.0) is the re-patent document that was submitted at the time of "pass it forward." As it turned out there was a miss-communication in the Communicative Objective #1 Task Order as half of my peers submitted a document that looked like version 1.0 and the other half submitted various cross-genres communicating the information contained within the U.S. Patent Office genre.

        Several times I discussed what was expected within the re-patent document and every time my peers were silent. I also posted samples of what I had written and again no response from my peers. Knowing that Shipka reads the Blackboard posts as was evident from her posts when someone had “really” strayed off topic, all I could assume was that my samples of the re-patent were on target for the assignment. In the end, it turned out that my samples were incorrect for the objective at hand.

        The “Serio-Ludic/Narrative-Sketch Re-patent Genre” was designed long after the “pass it forward” date. The “Serio-Ludic/Narrative-Sketch Re-patent Genre" is only one of infinite variations of examples of what Shipka meant by “re-invent the patent for the invention.” What Shipka meant was re-invent the “Patent Genre,” and make a new genre of the patent doing the same work as the U.S. Patent genre. “This statement will become clearer as one examines the “Patent Narrative-Sketch genre” and the U.S. Patent genre.

Version 2.0 of the Re-invention of the Patent Genre

"This" is the Re-invention of the Patent genre completed after "Pass it Forward."
"This" is what Shipka did mean in terms of the communicative objective to "Re-invent the Patent genre."

Cover page of the Re-invented Patent genre document

The Abstract and the Cross Reference to the Related Application.
Note the date. "This" date is explained in "Goals and Choices."

The research and development team at The Integral Worm claim they have designed a system, method, and apparatus allowing visual information from a computer user's brain to be downloaded into a computer and manipulated by the user's mind (fig. 2).

         The computer user concentrates on a visual image in their mind and the electro-chemical synapse is transported via a genetically engineered nerve bundle (fig. 3).

         The electrochemical synapse of the user's mind is interpreted by the flash BIOS chip and converted to digital output (fig. 4).

Visual digital output is transported though the biogenetically engineered bio-jack permitting the insertion of an IEEE 1394 standard male firewire cable into the female IEEE 1394 standard bio-jack socket (fig. 5) and the other end of the IEEE 1394 standard male firewire cable is inserted into an IEEE 1394 standard female firewire CPU jack
(fig. 6).

         The Integral Worm further claims to Shipka, the primary patent examiner, that the research and development team at The Integral Worm has developed a method of manipulating a computer mouse pointer or cursor with the human brain. This is for the purpose of manipulating the visual information that is now on the screen and is compromised of the following steps.

         The computer user concentrates on a visual image in their mind and the electro-chemical synapse is transported via a genetically engineered nerve bundle (fig. 7).

         The electrochemical synapse of the user's mind is interpreted by the flash BIOS chip and converted to digital output (fig. 8).

Digital output is transported though the biogenetically engineered bio-jack permitting the insertion of the “B” type male end of a USB 2.0 “B” male to “A” male standard cable into the USB 2.0 “B” female bio-jack socket (fig. 9) and the “A” male end of the USB 2.0 “B” male to “A” standard cable is inserted into a USB 2.0 “A” female CPU jack (fig. 10).

         The computer user by concentrating on the mouse cursor/pointer displayed on the computer screen can manipulate the mouse as one does with one’s hand thereby eliminating the mouse (fig. 11).

         In addition, the computer user while projecting the image on the computer screen can grab the image with the cursor/pointer and rotate the image to display all possible views of the object on screen (fig.12).

The Integral Worm begins to describe the background of the invention to Shipka, the patent examiner. The Worm describes the field of science the invention resides in. The Cyberpeople Jack is a boundary object crossing boundaries into several scientific disciplines: cognitive science, medicine, biogenetic engineering, software engineering, computer engineering, computer science, and human computer interaction (HCI). The Worm says that the invention relates to a method and apparatus for inputting visual information from the brain of a computer operator. The purpose of this system is to display, manipulate, and store the information displayed on the screen
(fig. 13).

         The computer operator undergoes minor surgery (fig. 14) so a nerve biopsy may be removed. The biopsy sample is used by the lab tech's to create a biogenetically engineered nerve bundle within the laboratory. Sample tissue of the computer operator's own tissue is used to prevent rejection by the body due to foreign proteins. When the biogenetically engineered nerve bundles reach maturation (fig. 15), the computer operator undergoes surgery to implant the new nerve bundles to the base of the spinal cord (fig. 16). One bundle is grafted to the visual centers of the brain through the spinal cord and the other is grafted to the motor skills of the brain. One nerve bundle is for the purpose of outputting electro-chemical visual/spatial information and the second nerve bundle is for the purpose of manipulating the computer mouse/pointer/cursor the same way the brain manipulates a limb.

The biogenetically engineered nerve bundles are attached to a small bio-jack. The bio-jack is partially made of biogenetic material consisting of the donor's proteins in order to prevent rejection by the computer user's body and for esthetic purposes. The biogenetically created nerve bundles are attached through a bio-electrical conductive material that interfaces with the bio-jack. Within the bio-jack is a slave flash BIOS chip converting the electro-chemical synapses of the computer operator's brain into a digital signal. The bio-electrical conductive material permits the computer operator to insert an A/B style IEEE 1394 standard firewire transmission cable for transmitting the visual signal of the computer operator's brain into a computer. The IEEE 1394 standard firewire cable allows the user to input images from the computer user's mind directly into the computer not only in two dimensions but also three dimensions. The computer user has the ability to rotate the image using the mind control mouse/cursor/pointer so all positions can be viewed spatially. The computer user also has the ability to manipulate and alter the image at will though thought control (fig. 17).

         A second cable attaches to the bio-jack adhering to the USB 2.0 standard currently in use. The USB 2.0 standard cable allows the computer user to manipulate the computer software and operating system the same way one currently uses a mouse. This permits the user to manipulate the computer pointer by mind control.

         The bio-jack is surgically implanted in the nape of the neck of the computer user just below the hairline for esthetic purposes. The bio-jack allows the computer user to "jack in" to a computer as though the user is a peripheral to the computer. The computer user manipulates the computer with their mind by being able to "jack in" and "out" their thought processes.

         The biogenetic nerve bundles function as communication channels to and from the human brain to a slave flash BIOS, the external computer hardware, and the computer bio-firmware. The computer bio-firmware would be a type of software that would convert the electro-chemical signal of the human brain to the digital signals of the computer in order to facilitate communication with the external computer hardware and computer software (fig. 18). The user is able to rotate the image so all positions may be viewed spatially. The present invention allows the user to "jack in" to a computer as though the user is a peripheral to the computer.

The Integral Worm has finished answering Shipka's question about the invention (fig. 19).

         Shipka asks the Worm to explain what is the current problem with computers and how previous inventions have attempted to make improvements. Specifically, Shipka wants to know how the Cyberpeople Jack improves upon those previous inventions (fig. 20). The Integral Worm says that seventy percent of the population thinks visually and spatially but cannot draw or explain their ideas in words. These computer users may or may not have physical disabilities. The current problem is the computer user develops visual/spatial images of ideas and concepts but are unable to express these ideas in ways that others use art, sculpture, language, or mathematical symbolism (fig. 21). Currently, the mathematician writes source code typically in C language to produce the image on a computer screen. The present invention moves beyond the mathematical applications and positions the average computer user with the ability to create visuals that cannot be created by current methods (fig. 22).

Computer operators can currently only interact with a computer by inputting data or information via a keyboard, computer mouse, voice, or other manually operated input devices. These devices require high levels of training and experience to use the external hardware of the computer and the software programs for the purpose of creating digital/visual computer renderings (fig. 23). The present invention solves the problem associated with the high level learning curve for manipulating drawing and video editing programs by allowing the user to visually/spatially capture images and video on the computer and manipulate the created visuals.

         The conventional technique described in patent 5,265,201, allows for the changing of the program in the slave computer to prepare the master computer for new work without loading a new master program reducing program storage requirements, program overhead, changeover time, and system complexity (fig. 24).

         The conventional technique described in patent 6,686,844, a human interface system using a plurality of sensors (audio and video) that are external to the human body for protecting property and spaces. This patent is for the purpose of detecting the entrance of a human being into a secured "space" versus the human being the said "space" (fig. 25).

         The conventional technique described in patent 6,931,359, a human interface method and apparatus provides a method and hardware, and software for measuring one or more physical conditions of a person with a sensor. The system automatically inputs sensor signals corresponding to the user's physical conditions into a computer for control and monitoring purposes and for permitting the computer user to interact with other remote computer user via a communications network. This patent uses clothing equipped with sensors or physically attaches sensors to the person's body in order for input to be received by the computer (fig. 26).

Patent examiner Shipka now asks the Worm to explain what are the artifacts involved in creating "this" invention and to summarize the invention of the Cyberpeople Jack (fig. 27).

         The Integral Worm's invention permits those who cannot articulate their thoughts through art, sculpture, mathematical symbolism or language to express the thoughts within the computer operator's own "inner space" into an "outer space": Outer space equaling something which physically represents or conveys meaning of what is inside the computer user's brain to others. The present system would allow the user to output their visual/spatial ideas on a computer screen allowing the user to say, "This is what I mean." Mathematicians already do this through mathematical symbolism. See the following links: and As an example, a mathematician who thinks spatially, intuitively knows that f(zn) = sin(zn) + ez + c produces "this" image (fig. 28).

         The new invention improves on the design of patent 5,265,201, where the slave computer is controlling an electronic device and master computer controls the slave computer. With "this" invention, the human mind is the master computer inputting into a mini-BIOS implant for the purpose of converting electro-chemical synapses of the user's brain to digital output in the implant mini-BIOS. The mini-BIOS implant is then contained within the bio-jack for the purpose of streaming visual /spatial data into an external computer, which now becomes the slave computer for the purpose of displaying visual/spatial images. "This" arrangement becomes a master (human brain)/slave 1 (mini-BIOS)/slave 2 (PC-CPU) arrangement. The Cyberpeople Jack permits for greater flexibility in loading new programs into the second slave computer (the PC), reduces human storage requirements, and system complexity (fig. 29).

         The Integral Worm’s invention improves on the design of patent 6,686,844 as it is an integral part of the user permitting visual/spatial information to be displayed on a CRT display. “This” system displays a sequence of events recorded by the user’s eyes allowing others to see what was viewed during a moment in time. “This” system uses the human subject’s vision as vision sensors eliminating the need for external sensors. “This" system improves surgically attached biogenetic material grafted into the spinal cord of the human body versus using sensors external to the human body affording portability and flexibility (fig. 30).

The new invention improves on the design of patent 6,931,359, by providing a direct human interface method and apparatus. The Integral Worm’s invention moves beyond measuring one or more physical conditions of a person wearing sensors. “This” invention creates a neurological pathway to the computer operator’s body and allows a IEEE 1394 standard firewire cable to be plugged into the computer user’s body in order to capture visual/spatial images produced by the computer operator’s brain and output these visuals to a computer for visual display and manipulation (fig. 31).

         The Integral Worm's invention solves the problem of portability and flexibility by placing the sensors within a person's body. "This" new invention solves the problem of inputting visual information into the computer via a keyboard, computer mouse, digitized tablet, scanners or other manually operated input devices (fig. 32).

The last sketch, the "Party Sketch," and so ends the Re-patent Narrative-Sketch.

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Version 1.0 of the Re-invention of the Patent Genre

"This" is a copy of the Patent document submitted the due date of "Pass It Forward."
"This" artifact has become an example of what Shipka did not mean.

Page 1 of 6 of the originally submitted "Re-invention of the Patent genre"
Page 2 of 6 of the originally submitted "Re-invention of the Patent genre"
Page 3 of 6 of the originally submitted "Re-invention of the Patent genre"
Page 4 of 6 of the originally submitted "Re-invention of the Patent genre"
Page 5 of 6 of the originally submitted "Re-invention of the Patent genre"
Page 6 of 6 of the originally submitted "Re-invention of the Patent genre"

The Integral Worm • Christopher Paul • Independent Senior Technical Writer/Editor

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