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Christopher Paul's Professional Writing Papers Christopher Paul's Professional Writing Papers

My Professional Writing Papers

Technical Writing ·  Exposition & Argumentation ·  Non-fiction Creative Essays ·  Grammar and Usage of Standard English ·  The Structure of English ·  Analysis of Shakespeare

Analysis of Literary Language ·  Advanced Professional Papers ·  The History of the English Language ·  First Internship: Tutoring in a Writing Workshop ·  Second Internship: Advanced Instruction: Tutoring Writing

Visual Literacy Seminar (A First Course in Methodology) ·  Language in Society (A Third Course in Methodology) ·  The Writer's Guild


UMBC'S Conservative Newspaper: "The Retriever's Right Eye" ·  UMBC'S University Newspaper: "The Retriever Weekly" ·  Introduction to Journalism ·  Feature Writing ·  Science Writing Papers

Modes of Communication: The handshake Modes of Communication: The handshake

The Shipka Spaces: Theories of Communication and Technology

Communicative Objective #2 (CO2): Recontextualizing Authorless Text ·  Presentation/Gaming Activity: "Shopping Happens"

The History of "this" Space: UMBC Food ·  Blackboard Weekly Posts (A Bulletin Board Community)

Communicative Objective #1 (CO1): The Re-patent

Explanation of How to Read "This" Objective ·  Explanation of the URCAD Edition of the Re-patent ·  Parameters for Re-patenting an Artifact from the U.S. Patent Office

An Artificial Intelligent's Theory on God: The URCAD Edition ·  The Serio-Ludic/Narrative-Sketch Genre of the U.S. Re-patent Office

The Test Subject Simulation of the "Cyberpeople Jack Implant" Artifact: The URCAD Edition ·  Promotional News Article for the Re-patent of the "Cyberpeople" Artifact · 

Disaster News Article for the Re-patent of the "Cyberpeople" Artifact ·  "Cyberpeople" Re-patent Goals and Choices ·  "Cyberpeople" Re-patent Process Narrative-Sketch

The Re-patent Rolling Credits: Who Contributed to "This" Objective ·  The Re-patent Workshops One and Two: Brainstorming Ideas Within a Social Context ·  A List of Artifacts Considered for Re-patent that were Researched, Tested, and Abandoned

The Re-patent Blackboard Community Post #1 ·  The Re-patent Blackboard Community Post #2 ·  The Re-patent Blackboard Community Post #3 ·  The Re-patent Blackboard Community Post #4 ·  The Re-patent Blackboard Community Post #6

Photos of the Artifacts Compromising the "Cyberpeople Jack" Re-patent Communicative Objective

Cyberpeople Jack Implant Test Subject, Simulation of the Cyberpeople Jack Implant, Goals and Choices Binder (261 pages), The Serio-Ludic/Narrative-Sketch Re-patent Genre explanation for the Patent Examiner, The Artificial Intelligent's Theory on God.

Shown above (to be added at a later date) is a photo of all the artifacts compromising the Patent Communicative Objective One (ENGL 324 CO1). The round table on which all the artifacts are laid out on is the table on the 6th floor of the Albin O. Kuhn Library at UMBC. It should now become self-evident why "this" table is shown in all the sketches illustrating "this" space. "This" space becomes the "think tank" for design of all the Shipka Communicative Objectives. Without the use of "this" table it would have been impossible to intertextualize how all these artifacts were boundary crossing from one mode and medium of communication to another. In other words, by laying the artifacts on the table, I could visualize how my mind was drawing connections from one artifact to the next and how my mind was making meaning crossing over from one mode to the next and how these artifacts were intended to be read. "This" becomes an exercise in deliberate engineering and purposeful design. Nothing in "these" projects is neither random nor creative. Every artifact serves a purpose in communicating a message to the reader and conveying meaning-making to the reader. Due to the complexity of the constant crossing-over it is easy for me, as a designer, to loose connectedness from one mode and medium to another. Therefore to eliminate creativity and randomness artifacts were laid out next to previously created artifacts to ensure connectivity and meaning-making. One way to think about "these" objectives is as a datacloud where artifacts that seem to deliver separate messages in their own right form a larger, more powerful meaning through networking and collective learning or situated learning. All of these communicative objectives include a social context that contributed to "these" objectives as can be read in the "Rolling Credits." If the players or gamers within these social spaces had been different, the outcomes of "these" objectives would have also turned out differently. In other words, the game "Guess What's In My Pocket" would have been substantially different with a different group of gamers.

The Integral Worm • Christopher Paul • Independent Senior Technical Writer/Editor

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