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No Wonder They're Criminals!

While deciding to rob a pizza place two men went in, and was staking it out.Armed Robbery!!!! Feeling uncomfortable, they didn't want to look suspicious, so they filled out job applications, then robbed the place...
Upon looking at the applications that they filled out, police said all the information needed for the arrest was written down!

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Robbery Lesson

  A robber walks into a bank, produces a gun and points to the teller saying, "Give me all the money or you'll be geography."
The teller looks up and says, "Don't you mean history?"
The robber replies, "Don't change the subject."

Shouldn't Have Quit His Day JobSearch Engine Submission and Optimization

The case of the robbery suspect in Los Angeles who just couldn't control himself during a lineup. When detectives asked each man in the lineup to repeat the words, "Give me all your money or I'll shoot," the man shouted, "That's not what I said!"
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The Purse Snatcher

In a courtroom, a purse snatcher is on trial and the victim is stating what happened. She says, "Yes, that is him. I saw him clear as day. I'd remember his face anywhere."
At which point, the defendant bursts out, "You couldn't see my face, lady. I was wearing a mask!"
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