*Note - Before reading this, please realize that I'm not 100% sure on any of this info. If you see something you know is incorrect, than just contact
I remember a while back I was in Electronics Boutique (a Gaming store), and I noticed a game for Playstation called "Magic Monkey." I picked it up and read the little summary on the back, and it sounded a lot like the story from Dragonball.

Well, I looked it up, and both that game, and Dragonball were based off of an old Chinese Myth. It seems the myth is based off of a monkey (also named Goku), a pig (Oolong), an Ox (Ox King), and a character resembling Master Roshi.
The story is basically about a Shaolin monk who has three pupils - a monkey, a pig, and an ox. The monkey, who was the Monkey King, if I'm not mistaken, had many powers, including the ability to cause destruction with his magical staff. He had the power to make this staff grow to great lengths, or shink to hide from enemys (power pole). The Nimbus cloud also comes from somewhere in this myth.
Only Dragonball was based off of this myth. If you noticed in Dragonball Z, the original characters (Oolong, Roshi, Ox King) started to appear less. Then new characters (Frieza, Androids, etc) started to appear..
That's all I know about the myth at this time. Once I learn more about it, I'll put it up here.

Other Animes relating to this myth are:
Midnight Eye Goku
Alakazam the Great
Journey To The West
Journey to the west is a story as you already know originated in China during the Tang Dynasty nearly 1,000 plus years ago. The main character, Monkey, is as well-known to Chinese children as Mickey Mouse is to American children. More importantly for us DB fans, it inspired a Japanese manga artist named Akira Toriyama to write the series that we all know and love. Being unfamiliar with J.t.t.W. (Journey to the West), it comes as a surprise to most fans that so much of DB was based on it. Hokori pointed out alot of good points but I thought it would be a good idea to inform you of the name of the story that so may mangas were inspired by.