In this section, you will learn about the true arts of ki (chi as you will see it throughout this page). Before starting the exercises listed on this page, I highly recommend taking part in a form of Martial Arts, for power is nothing without control.
Now, people are going to email me asking, "Does is really work," "Have you ever done it," "Is this just a bunch of crap??" I will save you a lot of time. Believe what you want to believe. This is all true. Think of martial artists like Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan, and the others that move quickly. They practice under chi. They use a form where they put all of their life force energy (ki, chi) into their legs, to help them move quickly, or so people say. might ask if I have ever done in. No.. I haven't. But after doing the excercises taught to me by someone who has done it, it makes you feel like it's possible. to the exercises...first the most important one:
Breathing Cycle
This is just a simple, yet important step. Close your mouth, and breathe in deeply through your nose. Make sure your tongue is touching the top of your mouth. Fill up your top diaphram with air and life force energy, then your bottom diaphram. Imagine it going into your body through your wrists, or palms. When you exhale, imagine the air and energy leaving your body, saving only very little chi inside of you.
Power Up
Continue doing the breathing, you will expierene a bit of light-headedness (is that a word? lol), that means your doing it right. Once you start to feel light-headed, look at your stomach, breath quickly (not too quickly) to let all of the energy inside of you leave your body. Once you practice that, you should be able to tap into your chi whenever you want..
Chi Ball
After practicing, and you know you can tap into your chi, you can try the chi ball.
To do this, first begin the breathing cycle. Except this time, keep your hands infront of you as if you were holding a ball. Every time you exhale, push your energy into your hands, and into a ball. Every time you add energy, you should see/feel it more and more. Finally, once it's done, you may play around with it, and experiement.
Consult with a true trainer. What I show you here are the basics. If you would like to go further, not only should you visit the link shown at the bottom, but get help. Simply reading something off of a website will not teach you. If you do not wish to visit a trainer daily, you should at least spend one day to learn the proper attire, and daily techniques to train yourself.
To learn more about Chi and it's powers, please go to
The Official Martial Arts Ki Page