The Tsfuru, also known as Tsfurujin, are a highly advanced, intelligent race that was lived on the planet Plant. While they had great technology and cities, they shared their planet with the primitive Saiyans. The Saiyans lived in small colonies, and every so often tried to take over the planet. But with their weaponary, the weak Saiyans were no match for the Tsfuru.
After many years, planet Plant had its first Full Moon. This caused the Saiyans to transform into Oozarus (giant monkeys). With their new strengths, they just barely destroyed all of the Tsfuru and their technology...all except for a warrior that they created, but didn't get a chance to let out (Bebi).
The Saiyans renamed the planet Vegeta, in honor of their king. But since they destroyed all of houses and other things, they used whatever was left to create a small pod that got them to other planets. And each full moon they would destroy the people and steal their possessions. This is how they gained their Armor, Space Pods, Scouters, etc. Eventually they started doing this as a way to gain money - rid the planet of life, then sell it for money.
For a while, they did this alone, until they started working for Frieza.....
Much later on, Bebi is finally released, and seeks revenge on the Saiyans. Since all but Goku and Vegeta (and their children) are dead, he goes after those. For more strength, he takes over Vegeta's body. After many fights with Goku, he is finnaly defeated.
A section with the stages of Bebi may come soon.