Narrator: As they return to Supreme Kai's planet they quickly get started on they're training. Goku brings the sword to Gohan and tells him that he must first master the Z-Swords weight. Goku: Ok Gohan, try to get use to the weight without turning into a super saiyan. Gohan: Right. Narrator: As Gohan trains with the sword Goku can since life on earth starting to fade. Goku: Oh, no. I feel we are running out of time. Gohan: I think I'm ready for the next step you guys. All those years of training with weighted swords actually paid off. Piccolo: Alright, you've mastered its weight Gohan well done but now lets see how fast you are with it. Narrator: Piccolo, Goku, and Saiya-man all fired a single shot at Gohan simultaniously. As the blasts got closer they mergered into one powerful beam. Gohan: [powers up] Hhhaaaaahhhh. Narrator: With one swing Gohan defelcted the beam. Gohan: Ha. This sword is the best one yet. Keep 'um coming guys. Narrator: They continue their asult until the sword begins to crack. Gohan never noticed the Z-Sword starting to wear down and continues swinging. Eventually the Z-Sword shatters. Everyone's eyes buldge out their faces in shock. Gohan: Auh, this swords useless, my swords been through more than that.... uh oh, Kabito is going to kill me.
Narrator: Meanwhile Trunks and Kabito arive on Namek and begin searching for the Nameks. Trunks: Wow, its so peaceful. Reminds me our your planet Kabito. Kabito: Yes, it is a muraculous planet but remember why we are here. I can feel alot of life in that direction Trunks, we should get moving. Trunks: Its funny, an evil tyrant, Frieza destroyed the Nameks and this planet but now its back. You know Goku fought Frieza on this planet but he didn't have it in him to kill Frieza. Kabito: So Frieza made his way to Earth and threatend to destroy all of its inhabitants but the others held him off long enough for Goku to arrive. Trunks: Yeah thats right. Well we're here. Narrator: Trunks and Kabito land and the Nameks take there arrival as a threat. Namek: Oh no tell the others. Narrator: Trunks and Kabito intintially wait for all of the villagers to come before them. Elder Namek: What is your perpose for coming here. We know how to deal with threats. Trunks: Well we came here to... Kabito: Allow me Trunks. People of Namek we come here seeking your help. The universe in in grave danger and we need your dragonballs to bring a special fighting force back to life to help fight against this evil. Young Namek: How do we know this is not a trick! Narrator: More Nameks argue the young Nameks claim. Trunks: Listen to to him he is telling you the truth. Ah, this isn't working. Kabito can't you show them Buu. Kabito: I'm affraid I can't. But I think I know a way to convince them.
To find out what happenes next stay tuned to Fusion Temple.
To be continued...