It's Christmas!! Which is nice. How is everyone out there? Hope you are well. I am feeling quite jolly as it is the season to be......well, jolly. As for this weeks column, well it will be my last until the seventh of January due to me spending the holiday season with my family and despite the fact that their computer stomps mine into the ground, they are not hooked up to the 'net. So unless that changes over christmas I will be on a no 'net but plenty of turkey diet. Mmmmm, Turkey.
Well, I am sure you couldn't give a rats ass about what I'm doing for christmas so I shall move things along. I have a little rant/friendly statement to make and then I will have my end of year awards and my christmas wish list, so, on we go.I will get the rant out of the way, I hate moaning so I promise it won't last long.
Over the past few weeks, in various columns and on certain fan forums, there has been a "smart fan" .v. "dumb mark" thing developing. I really hate these type of things, y'know, where someone thinks they are a better person because they've convinced themselves they are expert on something.
So what if they do? Now this doesn't apply to many people, most wrestling "smart fans" are happy to just watch and enjoy wrestling for what it is, but some feel the need to dissect things until there is nothing left to enjoy. I'm no exception, I admit I have sometimes slipped into "expert" mode when writing and when I did I lost some of the enjoyment of wrestling. When I watch wrestling now, I sit back, slip into (what you experts would call) mark mode and switch off, I let myself get drawn in and I enjoy what I'm seeing. To hell with the bad points, make the most of the good bits. OK, so Dean Malenko shouldn't be feuding over the LHW title with Lita, he is too good for that but it doesn't change the fact everyone involved has done their best to make it entertaining. I've loved it. I know all you smarts out there just gasped in horror, but like it or not Dean .v. Lita has been fun to watch. I paid to watch Rebellion on Sky Box Office, some would say I'm stupid, why? Because I'm a huge wrestling fan and I enjoy watching whoever is on the card, whatever the matches are?. Screw the smart arses, I want to be a mark, if it means I make the most of things then I'm happy. This is not just about wrestling, it's about life aswell. Life sucks. It's a well known fact that life is the biggest bitch of them all. If you let it get to you and take the shit you are going to end up not having any fun but if you say "Fuck it" and go out, take what you've got and make the most of it then life will be so much better. I guess what I'm saying is I'd rather be a Smart MARK than a dumb, ignorrant smart (for whatever sense that made). Now, I don't feel it to be right to go pointing fingers at the people who drove me to making the above statement but it being a christmas special I can name the people that I have come accross that impressed me since I came online (though I doubt they care either way). First it would have to be the godfather of non-affiliated wrestling sites; Rajah Kumar.
The webmaster of Rajahwwf.com always comes over as a top guy in his rumor updates and stuff, I have only ever exchanged the odd e-mail but still you can tell he was a cool chap. Of course, next would be all the webmasters I have worked under, I'd like to think if I were not any good they would get rid of me and if I didn't think they were cool I wouldn't have worked for them. One site I used to write for was Extremeattitude.co.uk, the webmaster was a kid called Phil Turner. He was a top guy who sacrificed alot of things to run that site and make it one of the best, personal reasons and exams contributed to him quitting the 'net but he could've been one of the top dogs in world of internet wrestling. Anyway, I think I've been self indulgent enough so I will change the subject but lets just let each other be. There, thats my christmas message.
Right, it's that time of year when we all make our lists for Father Christmas and start behaving in the hope we get what we wished for (So, I'm a mark for Santa aswell, file a lawsuit). So I decided to make a Wrestling Christmas wish list, a list of five things I would like to see happen in the world of wrestling next year and as if by magic, here it is:
1. A winning lottery ticket for Paul Heyman.
In my opinion ECW put on some of the best matches in the USA, they have some quality talent and probably some of the most loyal aswell. It would be sad if financial troubles scored the final pinfall over EC-Dub and Paul Heyman.
2. A meaningful title reign for Crash Holly.
The overnight European title reign wasn't good enough and The Crashster deserves better!
3. A single push for Test.
Well, I mean exactly what the header says. A year over due, Test should recieve a solid mid card push with a IC title reign thrown in for good measure.
4. WCW getting sorted out, once and for all!
Again, exactly as above. Out of the top three feds, WCW are ranked in third place. Apparently they are getting back on track and I've heard Starrcade was their best PPV show of the year. I don't get to see Nitro that often but the ones that I have seen are a vast improvment from a year ago.
5. No more McMahon family dramas.
I'm never keen on divorce/pregnancy/family related angles.
So, now onto my yearly awards, the "KC's" if you will. I will warn some of you out there that they are WWF only awards, that is because I couldn't compare ECW and WCW to WWF fairly because WWF shows are the only ones I've been able to watch on a consistant basis. I will give mention to ECW/WCW at the end.
I was close to giving it to Lita but I think Chyna has achieved the most this past year. With the TV appearances, Playboy and becoming intercontinental champion again, she has definetly been busy. Chyna is definetly the best known diva outside of wrestling.
I know what Kurt has achieved, the titles he has held but Benoit has impressed me the most as far as match performances go. Along with Triple H,Benoit has put on consistantly good matches against varying opponents.
They SO rule. Along with The Hardy Boyz and The Dudleys they had a contender for match of the year in the TLC (oh my!) match. They have been the most entertaining WWF superstars when out of the ring, some of their backstage, verbal confrontations with Mick Foley have been WWF TV classics. Their "5-second pose" and Hardy Boy parodies were also a cause of great amusment.
There was way too many contenders for this, the previously mentioned TLC match, the Royal Rumble street fight, the No Way Out HiaC, the Armageddon HiaC and The Rock .v. Kurt Angle at No Mercy are just a few of the matches we were treated to this year. I chose HHH/Benoit for one main reason.
It was a tremendous WRESTLING match from two top WRESTLERS. It proved that there is still plenty of room for WRESTLING in the World WRESTLING Federation. Wonderful action and entertainment and the KC match of the year.
The only choice in my opinion. He took part in some corking matches; RR street fight, No Way Out HiaC, Judgement Day Iron man match, Fully Loaded Last Man standing, Armageddon HiaC stand out in my mind. He has fought through a nagging back injury. I suffer from a herniated disc and know it's nothing to mess with, this guy is wrestling with it. Testicular fortitude personified!! Not much else I can say, except I hope he pulls through the injury and returns to tip top form. Good Work Fella!
I only get to see ECW hardcore TV when I'm not working but the names that caught my attention this last year are as follows: Kid Kash, Simon Diamond, Swinger, Steve Corino, CW Anderson, EZ Money, Tajiri, Joey Mathews, Christian York and Roadkill. Obviously there are people like RVD, Jerry Lynn and Justin Credible but I had seen a lot of them in the past, the list above is of people that I have only recently become familiar with.
Again, I'm limited to what WCW I see but; Scott Steiner, Booker T, Shane Helms, Shannon Moore, Crowbar, Gen Rection/Hugh Morrus, Jung Dragons and Evan Karagis(sp?). Once again there are a lot of names I left out because I was already familiar with them before the start of the year.
Well, that's it. All I can say is thankyou for reading, have a wonderful christmas and new year and I will see you on the seventh of january 2001.
Pee-ski Wee-ski D's 'n' B's,