Earlier Today: Stephanie is shown out back telling JR
that she wants him to witness her mission statement, a
statement that will make her name synonymous with
excellence. She starts by saying that Chris Jericho
will face Edge and Christian in a Handicap Match, Kurt
Angle will face Buh Buh Ray Dudley in a WWF
Championship Match, and The Rock and Undertaker will
take on Rikishi in another Handicap Match.
Handicap Match: Chris Jericho vs. Edge &
-Chris Jericho comes out first and says that his New
Year's Resolution is to never call her those names
again. But since it's not New Year's yet, he berates
her roughly, calling her a filthy, dirt, disgusting,
brutal, bottom-feeding, trashbag ho. Edge & Christian
run out next and Christian starts it off after some
double teams. He tags in Edge, who maintains control
and tags in Christian again. Jericho capitalizes on
the Suicide Blondes with a Double DDT. He hits a
Bulldog and then the Lionsault on Edge, but the cover
is broken up by Christian.. He locks in the Walls of
Jericho, but Stephanie comes down, distracting him.
Christian hits the Impaler, and Edge gets the win.
After the match, Stephanie slaps Jericho
Winners via pinfall: Edge & Christian
Commercial Break
Intercontinental Championship Match: Matt Hardy vs.
Chris Benoit (c)
-Benoit comes out first, followed by Matt. Matt takes
control with a spinning kick and a Cross Body Block to
the outside. Matt maintains control with a clothesline
off the top rope. Matt goes for the Twist of Fate, but
Benoit tosses him onto the ropes. Benoit hits a suplex
and some punches to keep control. Benoit goes for
another suplex, but Matt hits a Small Package. Benoit
gets right back into it and goes to the top for the
Headbutt, but Matt moves. Matt then hits his legdrop
off of the top rope, but Benoit gets his foot on the
ropes. Matt then goes to the top rope and goes for a
Tornado DDT, but Benoit reverses it into the Crippler
Crossface for the win
Winner via submission and STILL WWF
Intercontinental Champion: Chris Benoit
Coach is out back with the Undertaker saying that
Stephanie has booked him in a Handicap Match. He says
'Cool' and walks off.
Commercial Break
A replay of Chyna's interview on RAW is shown.
A parody of Chyna's interview on RAW is shown, with
Ivory playing Chyna and Val Venis playing Jim Ross.
Kurt is shown out back complaining to Stephanie about
the Dudley Boyz' actions on RAW. She says that that's
why she made the match for him.
Buh Buh and D-Von are shown out back. D-Von is
prepping Buh Buh for his title shot.
Commercial Break
WWF Championship Match: Buh Buh Ray Dudley vs. Kurt
Angle (c)
-The D-Bombs fly and Buh Buh comes out. Kurt comes out
next and says that he has become prominent by doing
something important, like winning gold medals. Buh Buh
attacks him. Kurt gets in the ring and the two
exchange punches. Kurt then hits a German Suplex. Kurt
maintains control with some kicks, punches, and a
neckbreaker. Buh Buh hits some slaps on Kurt's chest,
but Kurt gets Buh Buh down again. Kurt goes to the top
and misses on his third-ever televised Moonsault. Buh
Buh then hits a Side Slam for a near fall. Kurt goes
and gets his Title Belt. Buh Buh plants him with a DDT
for a near fall. Buh Buh then grabs the belt, but the
referee takes it away from him. Kurt then hits a Low
Blow and a Small Package for the win. After the match,
Buh Buh grabs Kurt and hits the Dudley Bomb. Edge &
Christian run down and double team Buh Buh, but D-Von
makes the save. They hit the Flying Headbutt on Kurt
and get the table, but Kurt hits the Olympic Slam
Winner via pinfall: Kurt Angle
Commercial Break
The Rock is shown entering the arena.
Stephanie comes out to the ring and says that she has
decided to share her New Year's Resolution with
everyone. She says that her resolution is to get what
she deserves, and that's the respect of all of the
wrestlers. She then says that her father is Vince
McMahon, and her husband is Triple H. She then says
that tonight is just getting started. Stone Cold comes
out and says that nobody gives a damn about her
resolutions. He says that all he wants is a title
shot. She then says that he doesn't deserve a title
shot. He then asks if the fans think he deserves a
title shot, and he gets 18,000 'Hell Yeah's' Stephanie
persists with a 'no'. Austin then proceeds to 'drown
his sorrows' with a couple beers. He then gives Steph
a beer, but she doesn't drink it. Austin says he
doesn't like to waste a perfectly good beer, but in
this case, he'll make an exception and he pours his
beer all over her. As we go to the commercial,
Stephanie is left in the ring, beer-soaked and wearing
a Vince-like face.
Commercial Break
Six-Man Tag Team Match: Acolytes and Jackie vs. RTC
(Bull, Goodfather, Ivory)
-The RTC comes down first, followed by the Acolytes and
Jackie. Bradshaw and Bull start it off, with Bradshaw
in control. Bradshaw hits a clothesline and a flying
shoulder block before tagging in Farooq. Bull takes
control over Farooq and tags in the Goodfather. Ivory
makes a blind tag, as does Jackie. All hell breaks
loose in the ring, and as Jackie is concentrating on
Steven, Ivory rolls her up for the win. After the
match, Billy Gunn runs down to the ring and attacks
Steven and Val.
Winners via pinfall: Right To Censor
Commercial Break
Replay of Albert befriending Steph on RAW.
T & A are shown arguing out back about Albert's
friendship with Steph, and Trish's whereabouts.
Hardcore Championship Match: Jeff Hardy vs. Raven
-Raven comes out first, followed by Jeff Hardy. Jeff
shoves a mop in Raven's face and then beats him with
it. He continues fo beat Raven, now with a trash
barrel. Jeff sets up a ladder on Raven and hits a
legdrop off the top, but Raven kicks out of the cover.
Jeff then goes to the top of the ladder, but Raven
rolls out of the ring. Raven gets back in the ring and
Jeff goes to the top again, but Raven sprays him with
a fire extinguisher. He then hits the Evenflow DDT for
the win, and the Raven Effect continues.
Winner via pinfall and STILL WWF Hardcore
Champion: Raven
Rikishi is shown being interviewed out back. He says
that everything that happens tonight is on Stephanie's
Commercial Break
Too Cool vs. T & A
-Too Cool enters first, followed by T & A. Albert
starts it out with GMS. GMS hits a Cross Body Block
and tags in Scotty. Albert tags in Test, who takes
control on Scotty. Test tags Albert back in. The two
trade punches and then collide, allowing Scotty to tag
in GMS. Too Cool double teams Test and Scotty hits the
Worm. GMS then goes to the top and hits the Hip Hop
Drop. Test goes to the top and hits his Elbow Drop,
allowing Albert to make the cover. After the match,
Albert surprises Test with a boot to the face. Albert
then proceeds to assault Test, saying 'I'm done
carrying you!' Stephanie is shown out back smiling
Winners via pinfall: T & A
Commercial Break
Royal Rumble Replay: Replay of Vince's win in the '99
The Rock is shown out back saying that he used to live
in Nashville, and he used to go to school in
Nashville, and tonight, he will take Rikishi to
school. He then leaves towards the ring, as does
Rikishi, followed by the Undertaker
Commercial Break
Handicap Match: Rock & Undertaker vs. Rikishi
-The Rock comes out first, followed by The Undertaker,
and then Rikishi. Stephanie then comes out and
announces Rikishi's partner, William Regal. She then
says that this is supposed to be a handicap match, so
she announces Kane as their partner. Regal and Taker
start it off, with Taker in control. Regal escapes and
tags in Kane. The Undertaker takes Kane to his corner
and tags in The Rock. The Rock quickly tags Taker back
in. Kane keeps the Undertaker in his corner, while
Regal and Rikishi. With Kane in the ring again, the
two big men collide. Kane tags in Regal and the Taker
tags in The Rock. The Rock attacks Regal, hitting a
Sidewalk Slam. Kane then takes him out. The Rock and
Undertaker toss Kane and Regal out of the ring and see
Rikishi leaving up the ramp. The Rock runs and gets
him and brings him back to the ring. The Undertaker
hits a chokeslam, but Kane and Regal attack from
behind. Regal holds The Rock as Rikishi goes for a
chair shot. The Rock ducks and Regal gets laid out.
The Rock picks Regal up and hits a DDT for the win.
Winners via pinfall: The Rock & Undertaker
Credit : Rajah's WWF