Grandfather's final
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Grandfather's heir finale

by Katy

Grandfather's Heir - Conclusion

Dan was furious. He had been reading the papers that Molly gave him. They were excellent, by far the best she had ever done. They were 'A' papers if he were any judge at all. The test was also an 'A'. He could only see one mistake she had made. Clearly Mark was guilty of sexual harassment. "If Mark Oster were in this room, I think I would beat the **** out of him! This is despicable, to do something like this to anyone!"

Dan picked the phone up and called Professor Warren. "Hi Kevin, Dan Duggin here. I have a problem and I need your help. Do you have some time?"

"Sure Dan, what's up. Does this have to do with Molly?"

"Yes Kevin, it does. It concerns Molly and Mark Oster your GTA. "

Dan proceeded to explain what was going on. The more he talked about it the madder he became.

"Dan, calm down. If what you say is true we have a big problem. No, I am not implying you aren't telling me the truth, but I need to investigate this. I need to see those papers and talk to Molly."

Dan talked a bit longer and convinced Kevin to see them yet that afternoon. He wanted this settled fast. Molly was not going to keep suffering over this. Kevin agreed to see them as soon as they could get there.

"Molly, wake up!" Dan was gently shaking Molly. "We have to see Professor Warren."

Molly opened her eyes and smiled at Dan. "Who do we have to see?" She sat up and winced. She had forgotten about the sore bottom.

Dan laughed at the face she made. "Sorry kid, but we have to go see Professor Warren. Freshen up and meet me downstairs in five minutes." Dan kissed her and left to let her get ready.

Molly started getting very nervous. She did not want to confront Professor Warren. She felt so bad. She just wanted this to go away. She changed clothes, washed her face and met Dan downstairs.

"I don't think I want to do this Dan. I am so scared. What if he doesn't believe me? Please can't we just forget it?" Molly looked like she was going to cry again.

"No Molly, we are not going to forget it. I am going to see to it that you get the grades you deserve and that idiot gets what he deserves. Now come on we have to go." He pulled Molly into a hug.

Thirty minutes later they were sitting in Professor Warren's office. Molly was shaking and Dan was holding her hand underneath the desk. Kevin Warren was reading over the papers that Dan had given him.

He put the papers down on his desk and shook his head. "Molly, you have certainly been done a terrible injustice. I can't begin to say how sorry I am about this. I need you to write down for me in as much detail as possible what happened. Can you do that?"

Molly looked at Dan. "I uh, do I have to do that? Can't you just let it go?"

Dan and Kevin exchanged astounded looks. Dan was the first to speak. "Molly, what are you thinking of? Let it go! There is no way we are letting this go. Why would you want to?"

Molly started crying. "Dan, he might still do something to me. I am so afraid of him. I just want things to be normal again."

Dan started to speak but Kevin stopped him. "Molly, he hasn't threatened you with violence has he?"

", he just wanted me to … you know…. Have sex with him." Molly was so embarrassed her face was beet red. How much information do I have to put down?"

"You will have to be very specific Molly. These are serious charges. They have to be in your own words with as much detail as you can remember. The papers are good proof of what you are saying, but I have to have more to take to the board. They will investigate and decide what to do. In the meantime, we will suspend Mark. He won't be in class to bother you. You don't have anything to worry about"

Molly felt like she might be ill. "Professor Warren, can I talk to Dan in private for a moment?"

"Sure I will be in the waiting area. Just call me when you are done." Kevin got up and left the room.

Dan turned to Molly with a stern look on his face. "Molly, you are going to do this. You are not going to let him get away with this. Now what is the problem?"

"I just don't want everyone knowing what happened. Other professors may hold that against me. Dan, please don't be mad at me. I am so scared!" Molly started crying again.

Dan pulled her onto his lap and hugged her. "Darling, no one is going to know. This is strictly confidential. It is not public knowledge. But you have to cooperate or they will not be able to do anything and Mark will be free to do this to someone else. You don't want anyone else to go through what you did, do you?"

"No, I don't want anyone to be treated like this, it is terrible! All right, I'll do the statement, but I am so scared. You won't let him hurt me will you?" Molly 's eyes were wide with terror.

"Molly, I will personally see to it that he does not hurt you ever!" Dan hugged her hard and kissed her."

Dan called Kevin back in. "Molly is ready to give you her statement."

"Fine. Molly, you can use the computer in the other office where you have some privacy. Dan and I will visit until you are finished." Kevin showed Molly to the other office and closed the door.

"Kevin, isn't there something we can do to speed this process up? Molly is sick over this, and I can't stand seeing her hurting like this? An investigation and Board hearing could take a month."

"Well, if he were confronted and confessed, that would be it. But that rarely ever happens in cases like this. It would have to be a confession that wasn't coerced. Or if there were a witness to it, something like that." Kevin sat back and studied Dan.

Dan stood and was pacing the room. "I need to fix this for her. It tears my heart out to see her hurting so. I just can't sit here and do nothing. I feel like using Mark Oster for a punching bag."

Dan sat back down, then stood up again. "I hope she is all right in there. Seems to be taking her a long time. Should I check on her?"

"Dan, I am sure she is fine. She knows we are here if she needed anything. Just relax." Kevin was smiling at Dan.

Dan could not sit still. He sat and stood. Then sat and stood and paced. He even went and listened at the door.

Kevin was watching him and smiling. "You and I have known each other for a long time Dan, and I don't ever remember you being so protective and nervous about someone. It doesn't seem to me that is the typical behavior I have witnessed from parents or guardians before. Something you want to tell an old friend?"

Running his hands through his hair, Dan turned and looked at his old friend. "I wasn't going to say anything for awhile, but yes Molly and I are getting married. I think that is what her Grandfather had in mind all along. We haven't set the date or told anyone yet. We wanted to make sure everything was all right with Tom Shaughnessey and the estate. If there was the slightest problem I would resign."

Kevin stood up and offered his hand to Dan. "Well I would say that is the best news I have heard from you today, or in a long time. I can see why you want to get this over with fast. I am going to call our legal department and see if there is something we can do to hurry this along."

I need to make a few phone calls, why don't you wait in the other room for a minute. I'll call you when I am done. Dan left and went to the waiting room. Kevin sat and made his calls. When he was finished he called Dan back in.

"There is one thing we can try, but Molly will have to do it. I don't know that she or you for that matter will want to do this."

"Let's hear it. If it is a fast solution I think anything is worth a try. As long as it's legal."

"If Molly is willing to wear a tape and get him propositioning her for a grade on tape, we can use that against him. He still would not have to confess, and you probably know better than I do that it may not be admissible in court if it came to that. Mark may not know that and the sheer weight of the evidence may just get to him. We could even do it today, as he has late classes and will be around. That decision is up to Molly."

Dan thought for a few minutes. "Could we be right outside the door in case Molly needed help? I don't like the thought of her alone with him."

"I don't see why not. Molly will be wearing a wire, but we can have the tape machine and actually listen in. When he says the magic word we can go in and bust him."

Kevin and Dan were still discussing the plans when Molly came back in. Dan could tell by looking at her that she had been crying again. He thought his heart was going to break looking at her so hurt and unhappy.

"I guess this is it. I hope it is enough, it's all I can remember." Molly handed the papers to Kevin.

"Sit down Molly. Dan and I want to tell you about a plan we have that could end this today. But you need to agree and participate."

Kevin explained the procedure to Molly. She listened and asked a few questions.

"Dan, do you think I should do this? Will you be right outside the door? I don't want to be there alone with him." Molly was starting to shake again.

"Molly, if you do this, it will all be over today. You won't have to worry about it for the weekend and maybe a month or more. I will be right outside that door and will come in the second he incriminates himself. He will not touch you, I promise."

"All right I'll do it. I just want to get this over with."

Kevin stood up and motioned them to follow him. "Let's get down to security to have them set us up. They are expecting us. Molly bring your statement with you. They will take it from there."

The Captain of Campus Security asked her to call Mark from there on a taped line.

"Mark, this is Molly, could I come talk to you about these grades. I really need to do something. I can't have a failing grade."

"Well Molly O'Connor, I gave you a chance to raise that grade and you didn't do it. I don't know that talking about it will do any good if you aren't willing to cooperate shall we say. If you want to see about some extracurricular work to up the grade, you can come see me. But only if you are ready to do what I ask. By the way, you now have to do a bit more to get the grades you want.
I'll be here for another hour. If you don't show this time, forget passing." Mark hung up the phone.

Molly almost backed out after the call, but Dan and the Security Captain, persuaded her to go through with it. Besides Dan and Kevin there would also be a security guard there. He would bring Mark to the Security office for questioning when it was over.

Ten minutes later, Molly was outside of Mark Oster's office. She knocked on the door and entered.

Mark was sitting behind his desk, but rose and came and sat on the front of the desk when she came in. "Well, well, well, if it isn't Miss High and Mighty. So Molly, what do you want?"

"Mark, please I just want the grade I deserve. You know I deserve an 'A'. Why can't you just give it to me?" Molly was pleading with him.

"Molly, I told you before, you have to do something to earn that 'A'. I am tired of explaining this to you."

"What do you want Mark?"

"You know what I want. But since you haven't listened or cooperated now I want more. " Mark stood up and turned around. Molly could only hear him unzipping his pants. When he had exposed himself he turned around. "I want you to give me a blow job for starters. Then we'll see where we go from there. If you do a good enough job you can have a 'C'. You are going to have to be really good for an 'A'. " He had just started to grab her when the door burst open.

Dan was the first one to reach Molly. He pulled her behind him and stood facing Mark. Mark started cursing and took a swing at Dan. That was all Dan needed. He blocked the swing but landed one right in Marks face. Before either one could swing again, the Security Guard broke it up. He had Mark 's arms pinned behind him and was handcuffing him. Mark was sputtering with blood gushing from his nose.

"What the F*** do you think you're doing. What's going on here?"

Kevin stepped into the room. "Mark you are going to the Security Office. We have you on tape harassing Molly. I have also seen the papers and test you flunked her on. You are finished here. Your best option is to resign and not face a lengthy hearing process. But you can discuss that in Security. "

Kevin turned to Dan and Molly. Molly had removed the wire and handed it to Kevin. "Molly, again I am so sorry this happened. Your grade will be returned to an 'A' and we'll go from there. Please if anything like this ever happens again, come to me right away. You never should have gone through this."

Molly looked like she was about to collapse. Dan had his arm around her supporting her. "Thanks Kevin, I appreciate you quick handling of this. Molly and I are very grateful. I think I better get her home now." Dan and Kevin shook hands and Dan led Molly out of the office.

Molly just sat in the car with her eyes closed all the way home. She was ghostly white and Dan was very worried about her. They no sooner got in the house than she ran for the bathroom.
Dan could hear her getting sick. He gave her a minute and then went in. She was slumped on the floor in front of the toilet. "Are you all right Molly?"

She shook her head but did not answer him. He wet a washcloth in cool water and placed it on the back of her neck. He rubbed her back until he could feel her relax. Then he picked her and carried her upstairs. The color had come back to her face and she looked much better.

Dan sat her on the bed and held her for a minute. "I am going to run a bath for you. I want you to take a bath and put on your nightgown and robe. I am going to start a fire and make us something simple for dinner. When you're ready come back down and we can talk. Just remember I love you more than anything in the world." Dan kissed her on the forehead and headed for the bathroom to run her bath.

An hour later Molly came downstairs. She felt much better than she had before. She had thought things through though and decided that she just didn't want to go to Lit Class the rest of the quarter. She felt so foolish about everything; she just did not want to face Professor Warren.
He had offered to let her drop and keep her grade and that is what she was going to do.

Dan was sitting in front of the fire. Molly sat down beside him and cuddled up. He handed her a glass of wine. "How do you feel, any better?"

"MMM. Yes, much better now. I am so glad that is over with. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner, but I was just afraid. " Molly leaned against him.

"I know, but you have to promise to tell me everything from now on, hear?" Dan turned her face to his. He just loved her so much. This evening wasn't what he had planned that is for sure. He had the ring in his pocket and was just waiting for the right moment to give it to her. That should make her feel a whole lot better.

They sat there together and ate soup and enjoyed the fire. Dan was just about to give her the ring.

"Dan, I have been thinking. Professor Warren offered me the chance to drop the course for this quarter. I'm going to do it. I don't want to go back to that class and face him. I am so embarrassed about it."

"Molly, you are not dropping that class, and that is final. There is no reason for you to be embarrassed at all. Don't even think like that." Dan's tone was stern.

"NO Dan, I am NOT going back and you can't make me! I made up my mind."

Dan was just not in the mood to argue with her. There was only one way he could handle this.
Without saying a word, he took Molly's wineglass out of her hand and turned her over his knee.
He flipped up her nightgown and began spanking her.
"SMACK,SMACK,SMACK, "You are going" SMACK,SMACK,SMACK, "to class", SMACK,SMACK, "young lady" SMACK,SMACK,SMACK,SMACK,"and don't you ever"

Molly has started crying with the first smack. She did not even plead with him to stop, just cried.
Dan knew this was exactly what she needed to release the tension from the day. He had in fact not even spanked her very hard. He left her lying over his lap and rubbed her bottom and back until she was quiet. She started to get up but he held her down.

"Not so fast young lady, there is something I want to do before you get up." Molly was puzzled but lay there quietly. She knew he was done spanking.

Dan reached into his pocket and took out the ring and slipped it on her finger. Molly gasped when she felt the ring placed on her finger. She flipped over and sat up.

"Oh Dan, it is just gorgeous, I love you so much." She flung herself at Dan before he could say a word.

All their pent up emotions were being released with each other. His mouth was exploring every inch of her neck and face. He did not think he could stop there, but he had promised her he would wait.

Molly was moaning. She did not want him to stop; she had never felt like this before and just wanted him all the way. When she felt him pulling back she pulled him back to her.

"Dan, don't stop. I don't care anymore to wait. You will still be the first and only man I will ever love. I want you now. Please make love to me."

Dan did not need to hear anything else. He picked her up and carried her to his bed, and filled her with his love.