Grandfather's heir part 1
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Grandfather's heir part 1

by Katy

Several months had passed since Dan had pulled Molly out of Hannigan's Bar. She had been trying very hard to go to school and get acceptable marks. Life with Dan had settled into a comfortable existence. She no longer resisted everything he said or did.

With his help, she had earned a 2.6 in that final quarter. This quarter she was carrying a 3.8 and had not skipped one class. She actually found that she looked forward to his being home in the evening and helping her when she needed it. She had only been over his knee twice in the last two months and neither spanking had been for anything serious, just minor problems, such as being late and not calling.

Dan was also feeling very comfortable with the arrangement. Molly was fun and he was enjoying her a lot lately. Neither one of them had been doing much socially apart from each other. Dan had not dated or seen anyone other than Molly. Nor had Molly seen anyone other than some girlfriends from school.

This was beginning to bother Dan. He really enjoyed Molly and was not unhappy that she was not dating, but he didn't feel it was right. After all, he was supposed to be her guardian and he was 8 years older. He decided that he needed to break up the pattern. He would ask someone out and start casually dating. Then maybe Molly would do the same.

Several weeks after this decision he met Sally. She was the Executive Assistant to one of his clients. A stunning blonde with a figure to match, she had a great sense of humor. Also, she seemed rather attracted to Dan. The last time Dan had been at his clients, he has asked her to lunch. Several lunches later, they were having dinner. She was coming from a meeting out of town, and would pick him up at the house.

"Molly, I am going to be out for dinner tonight, so you are on your own kid. Do you have any plans?"

Molly was surprised to hear this. In all the months they had been together, he had never been away for dinner. "What's the matter, you tired of my cooking?"

"No, not at all, just have a dinner engagement. What do you have planned?"

This really baffled Molly. "Nothing, I guess just hang around here. Is this business?"

"No, not business, a lady I met a few weeks ago. Her name is Sally. She is picking me up here around seven. Since you are going to be here , I want you to meet her.."

"Well, I may or may not be around to meet her. I'm sure that won't matter to you though!" Molly was feeling definitely put out about this. "You just said you had no plans, so if you do you better tell me what they are now! You know the rules Molly, don't play games." Dan was not pleased with her attitude.

"No, I don't have plans, but I am not sure I need to meet every bimbo you decide to lay."
Molly turned and stormed out of the room.

Dan was shocked. Where had that come from. No matter it wasn't going to continue. He caught Molly as she was going upstairs. "All right Young Lady, you and I are going to the office and have a discussion about this. NOW!" Dan grabbed her arm and steered her into the office and plopped her in a chair.

"If you don't want to find yourself over my lap with your bare bottom getting warmed, you will explain that outburst!"

"Geez, I am sorry, you just never went anywhere before. I guess I just thought you might be wanting some, err, err, action." Molly was blushing as red as she ever had.

Dan had to laugh looking at her. He still didn't understand the outburst, but she did seem contrite. "OK, I'll let that go this time, but I want you here at seven to meet Sally, and Molly, you better be on your best behavior."

Molly left the room making a face at him. However, she was not at all happy with this turn of events. She didn't understand why, but she did not want him going out with this woman.

By seven she looked her best. Her hair and makeup were perfect and she had on her sexiest jeans. She was in the office studying when she heard the car pull into the driveway. She jumped up and peeked out the window. The most beautiful blonde she had ever seen emerged from the sports car. Dan had gone to meet her and hugged and kissed her.

Molly saw red. "The nerve of that hussy! Look at those clothes, she is nothing but a bimbo! Dan can do better than that."

Several minutes later Dan called to Molly to come meet Sally.

"Sally, this is Molly."

"I am so happy to meet you Molly, Dan has told me so much about you." Sally was holding out her hand to Molly.

Molly barely touched her hand and pulled away. "Yeah right, well I have things to do. Dan what time tomorrow do you think you will get home? Should I wait lunch for you? I will be going to church at 9:00 so just leave me a message." She gave Sally a leer and looked her up and down. "I guess I don't need to tell you guys to have fun!" Molly turned and went back into the office.

Dan was dumbfounded. That was the rudest behavior he had ever seen. Molly had not only been rude, she had been insulting to both of them. Sally was equally amazed and her face had turned red.

"I'm so sorry about Molly's behavior Sally. I don't know what to say." Dan had put his arm around Sally.

"Oh, I think I will live, but you didn't tell me she was a rude obnoxious bitch!" Sally pulled away from Dan.

"Have a seat and I'll get you a glass of wine. I have something to take care of before we leave. I hope you don't mind waiting a few minutes?" Dan gave Sally the wine and was turning to leave.

"If it involves telling the little brat off, be my guest!" Sally was still highly incensed.

Dan turned and headed to the office. He opened the door and found Molly sitting at her computer. "Young Lady, you get over here RIGHT NOW! And I mean this instant!" Dan's voice was shaking with anger.

Molly was now afraid. She knew she pushed the limits, but she just did not like that woman. Before she could get out of the chair and over to Dan, he arrived and yanked her up.

He quickly unbuttoned her jeans and pulled her panties down. Before Molly half realized it she was over his knee staring at the floor. Dan said not one word to her. He began to spank her hard and fast with the paddle.

Sally sitting in the living room could not help but hear the sounds coming from the office.


Those were interspersed with cries from Molly. She was sobbing and promising to behave and not be rude anymore. Her cries were finally totally incoherent.

Sally smiled to herself. "Well that brat is sure being taught a lesson. But I can't believe he is actually spanking her. If it were me I would have him arrested."

Finally the spanking stopped. Dan felt bad that he had spanked her so hard when he was angry. He always tried to be cool before he punished her. Molly was sobbing as hard as he had ever heard her. He gently picked her up and stood her in front of him. She was a mess. His heart was beating hard. She was also quite beautiful. He wanted at that moment to be able to just take her in his arms and cuddle her. He knew he shouldn't be feeling this way."

"Molly, I am sorry I spanked you when I was angry but you earned every paddle you got.
What possessed you to do that?"

Molly could only shake her head and sob. "Molly, I want an answer from you. I want you to tell me why you did that?"

"I don ..don't know. I, I, didn't like her, I guess." Molly was quieting but had her head hung down.

Dan lifted her chin up to look into her eyes. "Molly, you will go out and apologize to Sally right now. Then you may go to bed and stay there for the rest of the evening. I am not going to be here to check on you, but you had better obey. For your information, young lady, I am not sleeping with her and do not intend to spend the night with her. I will be home, and you best
be in your room when I get here. Do you understand me?"

"Yes, I understand, and I am sorry I said that about you. I didn't mean it." Molly sniffled.

"All right, you are forgiven. But you need to apologize. I have kept her waiting long enough."

It suddenly dawned on Molly, that Sally had probably heard the whole spanking. She was mortified and her face turned as red as her bottom. She pulled up her panties and fastened her jeans. She took Dan's offered hand and they went to the living room.

"Sally, Molly here has something to say to you." Dan let go of Molly's hand and pushed her toward Sally. Sally was sitting there on the couch with a smug look on her face. Dan did not much care for that look.

"Sally, I am very sorry I was rude and bratty. Please forgive me, I won't be that way again. I do hope you two have a good time at dinner tonight." Molly almost started crying again.

Sally didn't say anything for a few minutes, then finally accepted the apology. Molly quickly ran upstairs to her room.

The next morning Molly was very quiet. She did feel bad that she had upset Dan, but she hated Sally. Dan had come home about 11:00p.m. and had checked on her. She pretended she was asleep, but was glad he was home. She just could not face talking to him. Dan said nothing about the day before or his evening. Just went about things as usual.

Later that day Molly got a phone call from a student at college. Mark Oster was a grad student and liked Molly. He had asked her out a couple of times, but she was always busy. He was calling to ask her to the big dance two weeks from then. Molly was going to turn him down again, but then decided maybe she should start dating, that would show Dan that other men liked her.
Dan had not met him though, so he would have to come over to meet him and get approval. She explained to Mark that she would love to go, but that her guardian would have to meet him first. They decided Mark would come for lunch next Saturday.

Dan was pleased that Molly was going out. At least he thought he was, but the more he thought about it, the uneasier he was. He put the thought out of his mind.

The next Saturday the doorbell rang at exactly noon. Dan opened the door and saw a tall, well built, good-looking man with a bottle of wine. "Hi, you must be Mark, come on in. Molly is in the kitchen. Why don't we go sit on the deck? She'll join us in a minute." Dan took the wine and led Mark to the deck. Molly had heard him come in and quickly finished what she was doing and went to join them.

Mark stood and gave her a kiss on the cheek when she came out. Dan's stomached tightened when he saw that. The three of them had a nice lunch and Dan liked Mark. He was a well-spoken intelligent man and easy to be around. He agreed that Molly could indeed go to the dance with him.

Molly was like a teenager going to her first dance. Dan had to laugh at her with all of the primping and preparations. She had bought a new dress and he even let her spend more than he thought necessary. She was just so happy. The day of the dance she spent the entire afternoon getting ready. She was finally ready and waiting for Mark to pick her up. She took Dan's breath away when she came down the stairs. She was wearing a floor length strapless emerald green satin dress. The color of the dress showed off her ivory skin and green eyes to perfection.

Mark arrived and the couple left in a flurry of good-byes.

The house felt so empty with her gone. Dan actually felt lonely. He had debated going out but decided against it. His relationship with Sally had been short lived. After the first dinner date he just hadn't felt they had much in common. He had in truth not liked her attitude toward Molly at all. He finally decided to just go to bed. He woke up about 1:00 and heard muffled voices downstairs. He figured Molly had come home and she and Mark were saying goodnight. He started to slip back to sleep when he heard Molly's voice a bit louder. She sounded upset.

Dan put on his bathrobe and headed downstairs. When he got to the bottom of the steps he saw Molly on the couch with Mark over her trying to push up her dress. He had his pants half way off and Molly was struggling with him and saying NO, DON"T, STOP! She was trying to push him off and get up, but he had her held down.

Dan flipped on the lights. "What is going on here?" He ran to the couch and pulled Mark off Molly. "What do you think you are doing. I heard he yelling NO from upstairs. Get the Hell out of my house NOW!" Mark looked like he was going to throw a punch, but looked at Dan and thought better of it. He fastened his pants and turned to go. Before he left he looked at Molly.
"You are going to be so sorry for this. You're a F****** tease." He slammed the door on his way out.

Molly dissolved in tears. Dan sat down next to her and put his arm around her drawing her close to him. "Molly, shh, it's all right now. What happened? Did he hurt you?"

Molly was huddled in a ball crying. "No, I'm sorry, Dan, please don't spank me."

"I'm not going to spank you Molly. I am not mad at you. You didn't do anything wrong, he did. Now calm down and tell me what happened."

"He wanted me to have sex with him. Said I owed it to him. When I said no he said I didn't meant that, I was teasing him. I didn't want to. I , I, never, err I …" Molly was hugging Dan and crying.. She just couldn't tell him. Dan held her and rubbed her back. It suddenly dawned on him what she was trying to say. "Molly, are trying to say that you're a virgin and didn't
want to have sex with him?"

"Yes. I am just so weird. I, I wanted to be a virgin for my husband. But I'll never find someone who wants me."

Dan's heart about burst with happiness. "Molly, there is nothing weird about you. You are a beautiful smart lovely woman. There are plenty of men who would be honored that you saved yourself for them." He hugged her tight to him.

Molly finally quieted down and looked up at Dan's face. She knew then that she was really in love with him. What was she going to do? This was an impossible situation. She started to cry again. Dan was looking at her and he also knew now, what he had not wanted to admit to himself before. He was also in love with her. He didn't want her to be with anyone else, and he had no desire for anyone else. He held her tighter and pulled her close to him. After a minute he lifted her chin and leaned down and kissed her. She returned his kiss and they were lost in each other for several minutes. Dan finally pulled her away. "Molly, I shouldn't have done that. This is not a good situation, you know that don't you?"

"I know, but I can't help it. I'm sorry, I will just stay out of your way." She started to get up.

Dan pulled her back down. "You are going to do no such thing. I'll talk to Shaugnessey when he comes back to town next week and see what he advises. But Molly, you aren't going anywhere." He pulled her into another kiss. We just have to be patient until I figure out how to handle this.

(to be continued in Grandfather's heir part 2)