Grandfather's House
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Grandfather's House

by Katy

Dan Duggin looked at Molly O' Connor standing in front of him. He had been ready to leave for home, but she looked a bit shaken. Her cheeks were streaked with tears and her mascara had long disappeared. She did not resemble the young bratty lady that he saw an hour ago for the first time. Molly had just learned that he would be the executor of her grandfather's estate and her guardian for the next five years. She had not taken the news well and had been soundly spanked by Dan for her behavior.

" Molly, why don't you freshen up before we leave. You can use my bathroom, there are fresh towels in the cabinet next to the sink."

Molly nodded and headed for the bathroom. She was beyond words at this point. She had just received her first spanking and paddling. Her bottom was certainly feeling the after affects. Once in the bathroom she lowered her panties and looked at her bottom in the mirror. She gasped at what she saw. "Son of a Bitch, that man is a monster! I can't believe it is this red, and bruised too. It is so sore! How am I going to be able to live like this? Surely he can't be serious about all of this. He couldn't mean it when he said that he will do this anytime I don't obey?" Molly was just not capable of processing coherent thoughts at the time. She washed her face and combed her hair and tried to repair her makeup as best she could. She may have been 20 years old, but she felt like she was about five.

Dan in the meantime had packed his briefcase and emailed some files home to work on this afternoon. At least for a while he planned on working from home so he could be there when Molly was. He wanted to monitor her studies. She had not attended class for most of the quarter. In fact she put in a request
to be dropped for the remainder of the quarter. He was not going to allow it. She would attend classes and earn acceptable marks; she was very bright, but had not applied herself at all since her Grandfather died.

Molly came out of the bathroom ready to leave. "I'm ready to leave now but I'm not going to eat at the house. I made plans with friends and they'll be upset if I don't show. Just drop me off at Hannigan's restaurant. I'll pick up my car and be there later."

Dan shook his head. "Molly, you are coming with me, and having lunch at home. We have a lot of talking to do this afternoon and you need to get settled before class tomorrow. I also know that Hannigan's is not a restaurant it's a bar. You are not going to hang around bars in the middle of the afternoon. Your "friends" can think and feel anything they want. They are not my concern, you are. Unless I approve of them, you won't be seeing them anyway. Your Grandfather was very specific with me on the subject of your friends.
You know he did not approve of most of them; felt you made very poor choices in friends. No, you are coming home with me."

Dan opened the door and waited for her to go before him. "By the way, your car is already at the house. Sam picked it up this morning." Molly's temper was beginning to come back. "You aren't being fair! You
can't just spring this on me and expect me to change my life. I WILL be friends with whomever I please so get used to it." She stomped her foot and glared at Dan.

Dan had to hide his smile. She was something else, a real handful that was for sure. He closed the door and turned to her. "YOUNG LADY, for someone who just had her bottom spanked and paddled hard that is not a wise attitude. Consider this your only warning! I do not tolerate insolence and childish
behavior; if you ever stomp your foot at me again, you will be over my knee so fast you will not know what hit you. Now get your purse we're going home; I don't want to hear another word on this subject!"

Molly wanted to continue arguing, tell Dan what she thought of him and his rules. Taking one look at his face she wisely decided not to. She wasn't giving in easily though; she would have her say another day. She was also not going "home". It was only home, when Grandfather and she lived there. It would never be home with him. It would just be a house. When she got to the house, she would go to her room and call her friends. Tomorrow she would see her friends and play all day. He would be at work and would think she was in class. He would never know.

Molly grabbed her purse and frowned at Dan. She stormed out of his office and into the hallway outside, without saying a word to anyone.

Dan was not happy with her attitude at all. He needed to have a little talk with her about common courtesy. "Linda, I'm leaving for the day. If you need me I'll be at home. I won't be in tomorrow; I'll be working at home. I'll check with you in the morning. Have a good evening." Dan followed
Molly out the door.

When they reached the car Dan opened the door for Molly. She got in and plunked herself down on the seat. She let out a small yelp as her bottom came in contact with the warm leather. Dan had to chuckle watching her struggle to get comfortable. He got in the car, put on his seat belt and looked over at her. She was just sitting there staring ahead, saying nothing. She also did not have on her seat belt.

"Molly, please fasten your seat belt so we can go." Molly did not answer, nor did she fasten the seat belt. She was almost back into full brat mode. She was beginning to aggravate Dan. He had tried to be patient with her mini tantrum in the office, but she was really pushing him. "Molly, you are to fasten that seat belt right now! I have had enough of this childishness. If you do not, I will put you over my knee right here in the parking lot and spank you. Then I assure you, you will fasten that seat belt and have a most
unpleasant ride home. Now, what is it going to be?" Molly would not look at him or answer him, but she quickly fastened the belt.

Dan started the car and pulled out of the lot. "All right Young Lady, I want to make one thing perfectly clear. I do not care how you feel about this arrangement; you signed the papers and you knew the consequences. I would think that the spanking and paddling I gave you in the office would be enough
To remind you that I am serious and you are to behave. However, it does not seem to have made a lasting impression. If you do not change your attitude and change it NOW, you will be in for another spanking today. I am not going to tolerate anymore nonsense. You will display common courtesy and respect
to me and everyone else, do you understand? And you better answer the question."

Dan looked over at her. She was staring ahead and would not look at him. "I'm waiting, but not much longer."

Molly shifted in her seat. "I understand."

Dan tried making small talk with her but he only got short answers. She was not about to carry on a conversation with him. He finally gave up and put music on for the rest of the ride.

When they arrived at the house, Sam and Sarah came to greet them. Sam grabbed Molly and gave her a big hug.

"Oh girl, it is so good to see you! We have missed you so much!" Sarah was right behind him and when he released Molly she hugged her also.

Molly felt so good to be hugged by these two. They had been with her for her entire life and were almost like family. She wished they could stay. It would make this arrangement a bit more palatable. Molly held Sarah and Sam's hands and looked at them. "It is good to see you, I should have visited you sooner."

Sarah hugged Molly again. "Why don't you go freshen up. I unpacked your clothes for you. You can unpack the rest this afternoon. Lunch will be ready in 30 minutes."

Sam and Sarah left for the kitchen. Dan and Molly both went upstairs. Molly was opening her door when she noticed Dan going into her Grandfather's room. "Where are you going? That's Grandfather's room!"

"It's my room now Molly. Your Grandfather is gone and doesn't need it."

Molly pushed past Dan into the room. "What did you do with his things? How could you take over his room; that was his, not yours!"

Dan knew she would be upset. In a calm quiet voice he told her. "Molly, Sarah and Sam cleaned out your Grandfather's room a month ago. His mementos and things are boxed for you in your room. You may do whatever you want with them. I am not trying to replace your Grandfather; I am just living here as his executor and your guardian for five years. Now let's be adult about this. I am going to change and I will see you for lunch in one half-hour."

Molly broke out in tears and ran to her room, slamming the door after her. Dan started after her to tell her what he thought about that behavior, but decided it could wait. He knew she was really upset with all that had happened so far.

Molly composed herself and sat down on her bed to call her friends at Hannigan's She started to reach for the phone and realized there wasn't one. She looked around the room; there was no phone anywhere. Now she really lost her temper. She jumped off the bed, flung open her door and stormed into Dan's room. She didn't even bother knocking.

He was just buttoning his shirt and she startled him. She flew across the room toward him arms flaying. "You SON of a BITCH! What did you do with my phone? You have no right to touch anything of mine you F*******…

Dan didn't wait to hear any more he grabbed her and marched her into the bathroom. He pinned her against the sink and soaped up a washcloth. Before she knew it she had a mouth full of soapy cloth. She was blubbering and trying to spit it out but he had both her hands pinned in front of her. He washed her mouth thoroughly then took her back into the bedroom, grabbing a brush from the dresser. He sat down on the end of the bed and flipped her over his knee. He quickly started spanking her hard with his hand.


Dan had not said one word. Molly was blubbering trying to spit the soapsuds out. Her mouth tasted terrible and her bottom was on fire. Dan stopped and pulled her to her feet. Molly stood in front of him crying and rubbing her bottom. He pulled her close to him and pulled down her panties to her knees.

" I warned you that I would not tolerate and more childish behavior or bad language. You were spanked hard not even two hours ago, and here you are getting another one. You had better learn to listen and behave or you will not sit comfortably for the entire five years." Dan then pulled her over his knee again.

Molly was crying and pleading with him not to spank her anymore. It fell on deaf ears. Dan rested his hand on her bottom. Molly was clenching her bottom anticipating his spanks.

"Molly, I know you are upset, but you cannot lose your temper like that. I am not going to put up with it. The sooner you understand and accept that the better off you will be."

Dan picked up the hairbrush he had laid on the bed at this side. He raised his arm and brought the brush down hard on her bottom. She screamed with the first smack. She had not been expecting the brush and her bottom was already very sore.

SMACK, "You will not" SMACK, "ever again" SMACK, "barge through this door" SMACK, "without knocking" SMACK, "You will not" SMACK, "Lose your temper", SMACK, "You will not slam doors" SMACK "You will not use" SMACK, "foul language" SMACK, "Or question" SMACK, "My decisions" SMACK, "after I have" SMACK, "said they were" SMACK, "final" SMACK, "do you" SMACK, "Understand?" SMACK.

Molly could only reply with cries and sobs."OUCH, ow, oh please stop, Please I will behave. Pleaaase, Stop. I am sorry, pleeeease, stop, It hurts too much, I can't stand anymore, Ouch, Ouch, pleeeeease. Yes, Yes I will Ouch Ouch, Yes I understand.

Dan stopped spanking and held her in place. He leaned over and told her. "Molly, I do not like having to do this, but you must learn. Don't push me, you will end up here every time. Now, I want you to change your clothes and be ready for lunch in 2 minutes. If you are not I will come and get you and you will have lunch in whatever you happen to be wearing."

He stood her on her feet. She pulled up her panties and fled to her room. True to his word 2 minutes later he knocked and entered her room. She was ready. After a quiet lunch they went to the office. Her grandfathers desk was still there, but now held his computer and papers. She looked around the room and
could not believe it. In the opposite corner was her old school desk. Grandpa had bought it for her when she was in junior high. She used to do her homework in her with him.

"What is that doing here?" Molly looked quizzically at Dan.

"You're going to study there. I asked Sam to bring it down from the attic. I want to be able to monitor your work." Dan motioned to the couch. "Have a seat, we have a lot to talk about."

"I don't feel like talking or sitting right now." Molly wanted out of this room.

"I'm sorry you don't feel like it, but we must, now please sit down." Dan sat on a chair he pulled up in front of the couch.

Molly sat down and waited. Dan began with all of the rules and regulations that they would live by. She was not dropping out of school, she would attend each and every class, she would maintain at least a 3.0 average, she would come right home from school after every class, and she would not go anywhere without his permission. In addition they would decide on household chores and tasks together. Outside of a cleaning and yard service they would maintain the house and meals. Sarah and Sam would be leaving in a week for retirement in Florida. If she did not behave or follow the rules, she would be spanked. The severity of the spanking would depend on the offence. That was at his discretion, but each violation would up the punishment. The ultimate punishment would be a strapping. If she wanted to discuss anything,
he would listen and talk to her; in fact he encouraged it. But once a decision was made she was not to argue, whine or pout about it. That would also get her spanked

She said very little through the whole conversation. Her only question concerned her allowance. " How much was it and when would she get it? Also, why didn't she have a phone in her room?"

Dan smiled at that question. "Your allowance is $250.00 a month. You will have a credit card with a $2000.00 limit. I do want an accounting of how it is spent. I want to personally meet anyone, male or female, that you are associating with. If I don't meet them, you will not be going out with them. You do not have a phone in your room, because I see no reason for you to have one. You may use the phone in here, or any other phone in the house."

"But, I need my privacy, I can not talk with you or anyone else listening in. That is not fair!" Molly told him sharply.

"Sorry, but that is my decision, you have privacy and no one is listening in on your calls, but you do not need a phone in your room. Do you have any other questions? No? Okay then, I'll let you get settled and see you for dinner." Dan stood up and moved the chair back.

Molly quickly rose and left the room. She went to the kitchen and called her old roommate. There was no one in the kitchen so she could talk freely. "Hi, Nancy, it's me Molly. I know, I know, it's the pits! I can't
believe Grandfather did this to me. Listen I can't talk now, but meet me tomorrow in the Student Union for coffee. We'll plan our day from there. OK see you then." Molly hung up and went to her room.

The rest of the afternoon and evening passed quietly enough. Molly helped prepare dinner and Dan praised her cooking. They even exchanged small talk and she enjoyed his conversation. She didn't want to admit it, but he was kind of fun to be with. The next morning Molly had breakfast with Dan and told him she was off to school. Dan put down the paper he was reading and looked at her. "What classes do you have today?"

Molly really didn't know what she was supposed to have that day; she hadn't gone in so long. "Oh, English Lit, American History and Art. I should be home by 4:30. Bye"

"Okay, see you then." Dan went back to reading his paper.

Molly met Nancy 20 minutes later at the Student Union. "Boy, am I glad to see you! It is so good to see a friendly face. You would not believe what my life has turned into."

"It's good to see you too Molly! Are you going to any classes today? I am thinking of skipping mine and hitting Hannigan's for awhile at lunch. What do you say? You missed a really good time yesterday."

"Sounds good to me. No, I am not going to class. I requested a drop, but Mr. Duggin has decided I am not dropping. So, I will just flunk out! That'll show him." Molly slapped the table with her hand for emphasis.

"Great, I think Doug, Gale and Tony are going to be there too. At least for awhile, we are all pretty short of cash, so I don't think we can stay long. You know we all have to watch our pennies." Nancy was looking very pitiful.

"Oh don't worry about it. I'll pay, I always do don't I? I need the company, so it's on me." That was exactly what Nancy wanted to hear.

Dan had checked in with the office and worked on some briefs. He had a suspicious feeling that Miss Molly was not attending class at all. He called the registrar's office and asked for her schedule for the day. True she had an English Lit class, but that was in progress when she left the house. Her only other class for the day was accounting. That was at 11:30. She did not even know what classes she was supposed to be in. "Molly O'Connor, you are in for a big surprise today. You are about to find out what happens to young ladies who disobey and lie."

He placed a phone call to Hannigan's. "Hi, could you tell me if there is a Molly O'Connor there. I don't need to talk to her, but I'm supposed to meet her. Just wondered if she is there yet? She is? Great! Bye." Dan put his coat on and left the house.

20 minutes later he was standing in Hannigan's looking around for Molly. He spotted her in a corner with a group of young people. He sat at the bar and watched them. There were about 10 of them and they were all fawning over her. Dan asked the bartender "Who is that girl in the corner, with all the kids around her?"

"Oh, that's Molly, she is always buying, so the kids are always there. Too bad, she seems like a nice kid. She quits buying and those kids will be gone. They're the biggest bunch of losers I have ever seen. They are leeching off of her. Some of them are even druggies."

"Oh, how much does she spend on those kids?"

"Oh, most days about $150.00 bucks, sometimes more. Cash flows like water with her. I guess she had a rich Grandfather that left her all his money. She is just asking for the wrong guy to take it all away from her. She used to be a real sweetheart but she has gotten hard now, I feel sorry for her."

Dan had heard enough. He was mad before, but now he was furious. "That idiot girl, what is she thinking. No matter, she won't be doing this ever again." He strode over to her group and casually said "Hi, what's going on here? Can anyone join in?"

Nancy turned to him and looked him up and down. "Man what a great looking guy she thought." She batted her eyes and him and took his arm. " Sure sweetie anyone as good looking as you can join us anytime."

Dan removed her hand from his arm. Molly was just staring at him with her mouth open. "Molly, why don't you introduce me to your friends, before we leave." Dan smiled at her.

Molly was dumfounded. She stammered out introductions. The group became stone silent. They all knew who he was from Molly's story.

Dan grabbed Molly's arm. "Say good-bye Molly."

Molly could still not say anything. Dan turned to the group. " Molly is leaving and she will not be back. I would suggest that you start pooling your money, cause she is not paying for this little party today, or any other day from now on. Good-by."

He steered Molly out of the bar and to her car. "You get in that car and go straight home. I will be following you, so do not get any smart ideas. When you get home, I want you to go the office and wait for me. While you are waiting you may stand in the corner and think about what is about to happen to you." He slammed her car door shut and went to his car.

Molly was stunned. She never expected him to show up there. "What are my friends going to think. I told them I would treat and now he pulls this. How did he know where I was?" She drove home glancing back occasionally to see if he was following. He was.

She got to the house and did as she was told. She was standing in the corner when Dan came into the office. He went to the desk and took the paddle out of the drawer. He sat down on the couch and said not one word to her. Molly heard him come in and was nervously awaiting him to call her over. He
didn't. He just let her stand there. She felt like she had been there for an hour. "What is he going to do? I know he is going to spank me, but how long? Oh Shit, I wish he hadn't caught me. I should have gone to class." She was really getting nervous now.

Finally Dan called her over to him. "I am terribly angry and disappointed in you. I trusted you at your word. You lied to me and blatantly disobeyed me. You do not even know what classes you have on what days, or what times. That is over as of today. I have your schedule and you are going to set it up on your computer. Molly, you are going to school, and you are going to get at least a 2.5 average this quarter. That means you are going to have to work awfully hard for the rest of this quarter. If you do not get a 2.5
average, you are going to get one stroke of the strap for every point you're under. Every class you skip for the rest of this quarter will earn you a paddling. If you skip more than three you will get a strapping for every class you skip after that. Now, are we clear on this?"

Molly just stood there. He lifted her chin so she was looking right in his eyes. "Are we clear on this?" Molly finally nodded yes. "I want you to say it out loud Molly."

"Yes, I understand." Molly's voice was barely above a whisper and tears were starting to fall.

Dan reached under her skirt and pulled her panties down. "All right over my knee."
Molly lay over his knee and he raised her skirt. Without another word he spanked her until she was bucking and crying. Her bottom was crimson. It still had bruises from the day before so he knew this was very painful.

He paused for a minute. "Molly are you going to try and behave, or am I going to have to do this everyday? I don't want to. I would rather we be friends and work together. Are you going to try?"

Molly was in tears and sobbing. She had never been so humiliated and in such pain. But she also felt that he really did care. She had not felt that anyone cared in a long time. "Yes, I will try, but please don't spank me anymore. Please, I will be good."

Dan picked up the paddle. "Sorry, Molly, but you have a big lesson to learn and you aren't done here yet. I will help you, but you have to come half way. I am going to paddle you now, when I am done, I want your promise that you will behave and attend class. I don't want to have to take you everyday, but I will if that is necessary."

Dan raised the paddle and let it fall. The sound of the crack echoed through the room, followed by her screech. He gave her 20 hard smacks and put the paddle down. She was limp on his lap sobbing. He let her lay there a moment then picked her up and held her. She was like a little rag doll. He had not
heard her sob as hard as she was now. He started rubbing her back and comforting her.

"Shh Molly, it is over, shh, calm down. I'll help you and this will work. Shh, Shh."

Finally, she calmed and just snuggled into his shoulder. She had never ever in her life felt so warm and secure. She just didn't want him to stop hugging her. She couldn't understand the feeling. She just did not hate him anymore. But she was worried about her friends.

"What are my friends going to do? They'll never talk to me again. I won't have any friends left." Molly started crying again. Dan pulled her back and lifted her chin. "Molly, they are not friends. They are using you. They only hang around with you for your money. You can make other friends, the kind that actually are going to school and not drinking and drugging. You don't need them. Are you ready to try and change things?"

Molly snuggled back into his shoulder. "I…I'll try"…. sniff, sniff, "will you help me?"…sniff…. "I miss Grandfather so much, I don't have any one else."

"Molly, I will do whatever I can to help you. That's what I'm here for. Come on now let's get you upstairs to rest. After a nap, you can come down and we'll figure out how you can make that 2.5." Dan gave her one last hug, and set her on her feet.

Molly leaned over and gave him a hug and went to her room. "Maybe, this won't be so bad after all."

(to be continued in Grandfather's Heir part 1 )