Grandfather's Will
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Grandfather's Will

by Katy

"9:10 a.m., blast that man! He said 9:00 a.m. sharp! I told him I did not have time for this. All I want is to pick up my check and leave. I don't understand this meeting nonsense. He is such an old fuddy-duddy. Probably want to make sure I am OK. I'm fine. Grandfather is gone and life goes on, what does he want from me?" Molly O'Connor was getting edgier with each passing minute. She was sitting in the waiting room of Shaughnessey and Duggin, her, or rather her deceased grandfather's, lawyer's waiting room. She did miss her grandfather more than she would ever admit to anyone. He was the most important person in her life and she loved him without reservation. But, he was gone and she was not going to give into her grief. Life was meant for living and that was exactly what she planned to do. Her feelings of devastation would not get in her way.

Molly was not a patient person. What little she had, she was losing. She flipped through a magazine with out even reading it. Suddenly throwing it down, she stormed over to the receptionist. "Miss, how long is old man Shaughnessey going to be? I am not waiting much longer. Tell him I am here and would like my check, NOW! I don't care if you have to interrupt him."

"I am sorry, Mss O'Connor, but Mr. Shaughnessey is on the phone with a client and cannot be disturbed. He knows you are here, please be patient. Could I get you some coffee or anything?"

"No, You CANNOT get me some coffee or ANYTHING, other than my CHECK! Now I insist that you interrupt the old fart or I will do it myself!" Molly was leaning over the desk screaming at the poor receptionist. The mini skirt she was wearing was very short and revealing far more than she knew.

Dan Duggin heard the commotion from his office. He figured it was Molly O'Connor causing the uproar. Tom Shaughnessey had warned him she would be a handful. Her grandfather had raised her from the time she was five, after her parents had died in an automobile accident. He loved her with all his heart, but had spoiled her badly. He had never been able to instill any discipline; he just could not punish her. Consequently she was now a 20-year old spoiled brat.

"I better go break this up and get her calmed down. I may as well break the news that there WILL be a meeting, and she will not be getting a check today. If you think you are upset now Miss Molly, just wait till you hear what your Grandfather had planned for you." Dan opened his office door and walked out into the reception area. The first thing he saw was the sight of a shapely brunette in a mini-skirt leaning over the desk. She was about 5"3", necessitating her standing on tiptoe to yell at poor Linda. Her hiked up skirt showed her pantied bottom peeking out. A pleasant sight indeed.

"EXCUSE ME! Is there a problem here?"

Molly twirled around and faced him. "Yes, there is a problem, I want MY check NOW. It was to be ready at 9:00 a.m. sharp and it is now 9:15 a.m. If I don't get it now, I am going into Lard Buts office and get it myself!"

"You must be Molly O'Connor, I'm Dan Duggin Mr. Shaughnessey's partner. Dan held out his hand, but Molly just ignored it. "Okay! I am meeting with you and Mr.Shaughnessey as soon as he is finished with his call. Why don't you come with me into my office to wait for Tom, it will be much more comfortable there." Dan took Molly's elbow and steered her into the office.

Molly started to pull away, but decided it couldn't hurt and maybe would speed things up. She needed this monthly check from the estate to pay her bills. She was supposed to be in class, but lately had skipped more than attended. She had big plans for the rest of the day; most of which centered on shopping and partying with her friends. Since she was her grandfather's only heir, and he was a multi-millionaire, she had become quite popular. Molly took the seat at the table that Dan motioned her to. He sat down next to her. She realized for the first time, that he was quite nice looking. Well-built over six feet tall, with auburn hair and hazel eyes, he could be very desirable. At least he was easier to look at than Old Man Shaughnessey.

Molly had a scowl on her face. "Do you mind telling me what this is all about? Who are you and why are you involved in this?"

Dan was just about to answer her when the door opened and Tom Shaughnessey came in. He smiled at Molly and took her hands in his. "My dear, you are looking lovely as always! How ice to see you! Please accept my apologies for the lateness, but I had to take care of a client."

Molly pulled her hands away and wiped them on her skirt. " I don't care what you were doing. I have plans and I'm late already. Just give me the damn check and I'll be out of here." Molly stood up preparing to leave.

Tom sat down at the table. "Molly, I told you on the phone, we need to talk about your Grandfather's last wishes. Now please sit down so we can go over this with you. It is important that you understand this."

"I know what his wishes were, he told me, I get everything after the bequests to the servants, so what is there to understand? Just …give… me…. the ….check. NOW. You asshole!" Molly was speaking through clenched teeth.

"Molly! I am shocked at your language, there is no call for that, now sit down!" Tom addressed her in his sternest voice.

"Look, I am not sitting here discussing anything with you. You, scumbag are FIRED! I'll find myself another attorney." Molly turned and was on her way out the door.

Dan jumped up and blocked her exit. "Miss O'Connor, I think you should calm down and resume your seat!" He grabbed her arm and returned her to her chair.

Molly pulled away from him. "How dare you! Who do you think you are?" Dan just pushed her down in her chair. He leaned into her face and calmly said. "That's One."

Tom cleared his voice preparing to go on. "Now Molly, you have to hear what your Grandfather specified in his Will. You are right you are the sole heir, but there are some things you must agree to before you get his estate free and clear. "

Molly jumped up once again and leaned over the table. She grabbed Tom by the tie. "Look, I know what my grandfather wanted and you had better not be trying to put any strings on it. I will sue your fat ass from here to Sunday, understand!" Tom's face was beet red and he was unable to speak. He had never seen Molly so out of control before.

The words were barely out of Molly's mouth, when Dan grabbed her arm and sat her down again. "That's Two young lady! I wouldn't advise going for three. Now you sit there and listen. I don't want to hear another word out of you till we are finished here. Do YOU understand that!"

Molly just glared at him, but said nothing out loud. "Who the hell does he think he is? I don't like him one bit."

Tom was having a hard time regaining his composure. "Dan, why don't you take over from here."

"I'd be happy to. Molly, when your grandfather realized that his disease was fatal, he wanted to provide for you in the best possible way. It was his observation over the last few years that he had not been exactly fair in raising you. He loved you so, that he did not have the heart to give you the one thing he should have. Discipline. He realized that you were not going to be
able to handle life without that missing ingredient. In other words, he knew he had produced a spoiled rich girl, incapable of making the right decisions for her life. He…"

Molly was livid! "You absolutely are wrong! You are the biggest F***n jerk I have ever met! You dare to sit there and say these things. Are you some sort of a pervert? How dare you." Having said that Molly stood and tried to slap Dan's face.

Dan saw it coming and caught her arm. "THAT is number 3! Now SIT DOWN! I told you, I did not want to hear another word from you till we were finished. SIT!"

Molly was taken back with his reaction. Sit she did.

"As I was saying, your grandfather wanted to change things for you. He and Tom discussed this at length. They looked for someone to be executor of the estate and more. To be your "guardian" shall we say? An executor with powers beyond those of the normal executor. They looked for and interviewed many candidates. Tom, as you know, is retiring soon. He was also looking for a successor for his business. I interviewed with both your grandfather and Tom on many occasions. It was our decision that I would become Tom's partner and successor and also the executor your grandfather was looking for. "

Molly started to stand and say something. Dan quickly silenced her. "Uh -Uh, I told you not a word!"

"The letter I am about to read was written by your grandfather. It is to let you know his wishes for you and the conditions attached to your inheritance. Please say nothing, until I am done reading this."

"Molly dear, I know when you hear this, you will be upset. Be assured that I loved you with all my heart and you were the most precious person in my life.

I feel that I have failed you however, in not providing the discipline necessary to make wise choices for yourself. I am dying now and do not want you to have no one to guide you. I know that you will not let anyone you know close enough to help you.

I have decided that I will find a person for you to make those decisions, and help you with the discipline you so desperately need. I have spent many months interviewing and deciding on who this should be. Dan Duggin is my choice. He is a strong man, with clear thinking and a kind heart. He is exactly the man I desire to help you.

You will inherit my estate in total after bequests; you know this. However, you will not inherit it without restriction. If you agree to have Dan be the executor and administrator of your affairs, you will inherit at age 25. If you do not agree, then you will not inherit until you are 35. You will also not receive an allowance or any benefit of the estate until that time.

Now, I know you are reading this and starting to fume. Please believe me, I do love you and am doing this for your own good. Dan is to live in my house and have total control over the estate. You are to live there also. He will act not only as executor, but also as guardian. He will be free to make all decisions regarding your well being and life. I trust that you will cooperate with him
in this. I have also given him permission to discipline you as he sees necessary. If you agree, you will continue to receive an allowance that he will monitor and will not have any monetary concerns. You must however live in the house and not on your own, as I do not like your choice of friends or roommates. At some future point, Dan may agree to your living independently. It is then his decision.

Molly, he is a good man. Please think about this. The choice is yours. I am doing this only because I love you and realize that I failed you in your upbringing.

Love always,


Molly was stunned. Tears that she had not shed since he died welled up in her eyes. She didn't know what to think. Her grandfather expected her to live under that same roof with this MAN! Actually let him make decisions that affected her? And what was this about discipline? NO, this was just not right. She fought back her tears and looked at Tom and Dan.

"Okay, you had your laugh, now let's just get down to business. There is no way I will allow this.
I will challenge this in every court in the land. You are both insane!" Molly's temper now got the better of her, she was totally out of control. She picked up the pen that was handed to her to sign the agreement and threw it at Dan.

Tom Shaughnessey interceded. "Molly, you either agree to this, or you get nothing at all, not one penny until you are 35. You will have to quit school and get a job to support yourself. You sign or you are cut off as of today."

Molly was stunned. There was no way she was prepared to support herself. She was trapped and she knew it. Still it did not make her happy. Molly's thoughts were in turmoil. "Shit, I don't see a way out of this. Grandpa, how could you do this?' She sat there without saying anything.

Dan had been observing her closely. He had noticed the tears start and her effort to stop them. He softened somewhat toward her. He knew from his talks with her grandfather that she really could be a sweet, gentleperson. She was acting tough now to hide her grief. She was so spoiled she couldn't comprehend not getting her own way. He picked up the pen and handed it to her. "Well, what is your decision?"

Molly looked at him with contempt, took the pen and signed the agreement. "You win, but I am going to make my own decisions, hear? You will not be telling me what to do and what not to do.
So, just get used to being the token executor, DUMMY!" She threw the pen back at him.

Dan just looked at her and said very calmly. "Well, that makes Four!"

Tom Shaughnessey looked at Molly. "Dearest, you are just making this harder on yourself. You know that your grandfather had only your best interest in mind."

"F*** you!" Molly spat at him.

Tom quickly left the office shaking his head. "Dan, I leave this to you."

Dan leaned back in his chair and looked at Molly. "Well, Young Lady, that just earned you Number Five! Quite a record for our first day."

"What are you talking about? Do I get my check now or what? I signed all your f****** papers!"
Molly was standing and about to leave the office.

"Nope, no check for you today. Sit back down and I will explain what is going to happen now."

Molly just glared at him.

"Miss O'Connor, like it or not, I am now in control. You have agreed to your grandfather's wishes, so I will be in your life for the next five years. Starting NOW, you will show me the respect that comes with that position. I asked you to sit, and I suggest you do that, unless you want to hear a number Six!"

Molly sat and stared at him. "What are these numbers all about, I don't understand what you are talking about. I have plans. I should be meeting friends right now! Let's just get this over with."

Dan said nothing. Just stared at her. Molly was beginning to be uncomfortable.

Finally Dan spoke. "I realize that you have never had any discipline in your 20 years. I am a firm believer that spoiled young ladies need to have their bare bottoms thoroughly spanked, each and every time they misbehave. You have exhibited the worst behavior I have seen in a long time; you are about to receive your first well-deserved spanking. "

"The numbers you asked about tell you the severity of your spanking. Number One is a warning that you behavior has passed acceptable boundaries. Number Two earns you a hard hand spanking. Number Three is a paddling. Every number over that just increases the punishment. Should you ever hit a Ten you will receive a strapping. Now I believe we got to number five today. You are going to get a hard bare bottom hand spanking followed by a paddling of 20 strokes for each number over Three. That makes it a hard spanking and a paddling of 40 strokes. Between the hand spanking and the paddling, you will stand in the corner with your panties lowered and your skirt held up. This will give you time to reflect on the behavior that put you there and what is coming."

"After your spanking and paddling you will apologize Tom and Linda for your despicable behavior. If I do not think it is sincere, we will come back here and start over. When we are done, we will be leaving for home. Your belongings have been moved from your apartment, and your roommate given compensation for her loss of your share of rent. I will review the rest of the rules with you later. Do you understand what is about to happen?"

Molly was floored. " Who does he think he is? Spanking? I've had never been so much as grounded! There was no way." Yet there he sat, looking totally serious.

Dan stood up and locked his office door. He pulled a straight back chair to the front of his desk, and pulled a paddle from his drawer. Dan sat in the chair. "Molly, come here."

Molly looked at him like he was out of his mind, and just sat there.

Dan stood and pulled her from her chair and swatted her hard three times "You heard me young lady, now MOVE!" He sat back down in the chair.

Molly was in shock but did as she was told. This was way beyond her comprehension. She stood in front of him. Dan then lectured her about her behavior and language.

"You have shown the worst behavior of a young lady today, that I have ever seen. You were rude, disrespectful and foul-mouthed. You will never act that way again. If you ever use that language again, you will not only be well spanked you will find yourself chewing on soap. Now I want you to pull your panties down and get over my knee."

Molly did as she was told and laid over his lap. Dan pulled her skimpy skirt clear of her bottom and started spanking.


He said nothing until she was pleading with him to stop.

"Pleeasee, stop, ouch ow pleaeese ouch, ow, ouch ow, ouch, I will behave I promise, pleeeeease stop! It hurts, pleeeeeeeease! Ouch, ow, Ouch, ow, Ouch, ow, Ouch!

Dan stopped pulled her to her feet and sent her to the corner with a series of hard swats. Molly hobbled over to the corner with her panties at her ankles. "I want your nose in that corner and your hands holding that skirt up. You are not to let that skirt drop. You will stay there and not say one word, until I call you back for your paddling."

Dan picked up the phone and called the caretakers of her grandfather's house. "Hi, Sam this is Dan, did Molly's things arrive? Good, tell Sarah we will be home for lunch, and not to worry about putting her things away. Molly can take care of that herself this afternoon. " Dan hung up and looked at his new ward standing in the corner sniffling. She was certainly a pretty thing, and had the most spankable bottom he had seen in a long time. A spoiled brat maybe, but it would be worth it to teach her to behave. Life was going to be very interesting for a while.

Molly stood in the corner with her bottom burning. She had never felt a pain or burn quite like this. She could not imagine what that paddle would feel like. She felt very sorry that she had behaved the way she did. She didn't know what got into her sometimes. Grandfather always understood; she missed him so much. How was she going to live with Dan? Molly started crying a bit harder. She had not cried when her grandfather died, and she did not want to start now. She just felt so alone.

"All right Molly, come back over here for your paddling." Dan was once again seated in the chair with paddle in hand.

Molly once again hobbled over and stood in front of him. "Please I have learned my lesson, I am sorry, please don't paddle me! I don't think I can take it." Tears were running down her cheeks.

"Molly, I told you what your punishment was, and we must finish it, Now come on let's get this over with. Your behavior today will be forgiven and we can discuss the future." Dan helped her over his lap and began paddling.


Molly was sobbing with the first crack. Her resolve not to give in and cry was gone. She sobbed like she had never cried in her life. She couldn't say a word or move. She just lay on his lap and cried. She didn't even realize that the spanking had stopped.

Dan just let her lay there and sob. Her bottom felt like it was on fire. In fact it was crimson with bruises beginning to appear. He knew she needed to cry this out of her system. After a few minutes he picked her up and held her. Molly leaned into his shoulder and continued sobbing. When she quieted some, he gave her a Kleenex to blow her nose and wipe her eyes. She felt strangely peaceful, but very humiliated also.

Dan helped her pull up her panties and stand. "Ready for some apologies now?"

Molly nodded and followed him out the door, her hands rubbing her bottom. When they entered Tom's office he looked up, he could not believe the change in Molly. She looked like a very sorry little girl. Her head was down and hands behind her back. He could tell she had been crying.

"Mr. Shaughnessey, I am very sorry for my actions earlier. I was terribly rude and disrespectful. Please forgive me. I won't ever act that way again."

"Thank you, Molly, you are of course forgiven. I am sorry if this has been such a shock to you, but it will be fine, you'll see." Tom rose and gave Molly a hug. She did not resist him this time.

As Dan and Molly were leaving the office, Dan turned and winked at Tom. Tom had been sure this would never work. Apparently he was wrong.

Molly approached the reception desk. "Linda, I am sorry I was so bitchy, please forgive me. I won't treat you that way ever again."

Linda just sat there with her mouth open. She couldn't believe her ears. She had never heard Molly apologize for anything in her life. Dan must be a miracle worker.

When they got back to Dan's office, he motioned for her to sit. Molly sat down very gingerly.
"Molly, we are going to leave here and go to the house. Sam and Sarah will be with us for the next week until you are settled in, then they will be leaving for Florida and their retirement. You and I will be living alone in the house. You will be responsible for the running of the household. There will be a cleaning service, but you are responsible for meals. I know from Sarah, that you
have been taught to cook, so this should not be a problem. You will be attending school and I will monitor your courses. You will ask my permission to leave the house for any reason other than school. You will have an allowance just as you do now. I don't intend to by a tyrant. You may discuss any decision I make if you feel it is unreasonable. Remember though, I said discuss, in a respectful manner, no arguing about a decision. Do you understand?"

Molly nodded in agreement.

"Ok, then lets go home. Sarah is expecting us for lunch, and you can spend the afternoon getting settled." Dan smiled at her and gave her his hand to help her up.

Molly managed to smile and this time accepted his hand. Her new life was going to be far different from the old.

(continued in the story Grandfather's House)