Grandfather's Heir p 2
Home Up Angel Caitlyn Christmas Angel The Tattoo Laura California Dreaming Oh Susanna Grandfather's Will Grandfather's House Grandfather's heir part 1 Grandfather's Heir p 2 Grandfather's final Traders Memorial Day Lighthouse Ladies List Concrete Angel Whiskey Lullaby

Grandfather's Heir part 2

by Katy

Grandfather's Heir - Part Two

The next week found Dan and Molly falling into a nice routine. Molly would go to school and Dan to work. Neither one could hardly wait for the other to arrive home.
They would sit and cuddle for awhile before dinner and then work in the office till bedtime. There was a lot of kissing but Dan was determined not to go any further at this time.

Molly was happy enough with that decision for now. She loved him so much. She had never thought it was possible to love anyone as much as this. She laughed when she thought of her feelings toward him just a few months ago. She was worried though about what would happen when Dan talked to Tom Shaughnessey.

On the Sunday night before Tom Shaughnessey was scheduled to return Molly was fidgety. Dan was busy at his desk working on briefs. She could not concentrate on the paper she was writing and got up and sat on his lap.

"Hmmm, this feels better." She was snuggling into his chest. Dan had his arms around her tight. He was nibbling at her neck. Feelings she was not accustomed to were flooding her body. His body was reacting also.

"What's up Molly, you are so tense today?" Dan had stopped kissing and was rubbing her back.

"I'm worried about what Tom is going to say. Do you think he will make you leave?"
Her eyes reflected her worry.

"Molly, I told you not to worry. Nothing is going to change the way we feel. I can always quit being the executor of your Grandfather's estate and your guardian, but I am not going to quit you! I reviewed all the papers last week and I don't see anything that should change the current set up. So quit worrying!" He hugged her tight and kissed her once more and put her on her feet. "Now, go finish your paper and let me get some work done." He gave he rump a smack and sent her on her way.

Molly stuck her tongue out at him and rubbed her bottom as she went back to the computer. She did feel much better. He could make anything feel better.

The next morning she had English Lit at 8:00 a.m. Professor Warren was one of her favorite professors and she loved this class. She was currently carrying an 'A' and wanted to keep it that way. She was sitting at her desk reviewing her notes when Professor Warren walked in with Mark Oster. Both of them took places at the front of the classroom. Mark was staring at her. She had not seen him since that awful night a week ago.

"Class may I have your attention?" Professor Warren clapped his hands. "I would like to introduce you to Mark Oster. He is my new Graduate Teaching Assistant. He will be taking over this class the rest of the quarter. He is well qualified and I am sure that you will all learn a lot with him. I am still the Professor of record and will review all class material with Mark. Feel free to come and visit with me in my office if you have any problems. Mark, the class is yours." Professor Warren left the room.

Molly was in a state of shock. This was awful! How could this be? She sat through class in a haze. She was about to leave the classroom when Mark asked her to wait.
When all the other students had left, Mark sat on the edge of the desk and looked at her.
"Well, Miss Molly O'Connor we meet again. Seems to me that I have the upper hand in this encounter. Your precious guardian, if that IS what he is, can't help you now."

"What do you want Mark. I thought it was perfectly clear that I want nothing to do with you. Now you may be the teacher but it ends there." Molly turned to go.

"I wouldn't be in such a hurry if I were you. If you don't come to my office today after your 1:00 class and be prepared to give me what I want, you will find that your paper you turned in today, will just probably be a D or F. Now what will that do to your precious grade average?" Mark was leering at her.

Molly just turned and ran from the classroom. She was panicky what could she do. She was not about to meet with him. But would he really give her a D or F. He couldn't do that. He scared her badly though.

That night Molly was very quiet. Dan noticed something was wrong and tried to get her to talk. She just said she was tired. She didn't even ask if he had talked to Tom Shaughnessey. She was sitting on the couch reading and listening to music. Dan sat down next to her and took the book out of her hands.

"OK kid, what's going on? You are way too quiet. Tell me what's bothering you?" Dan put his arms around her and pulled her to him

Molly just could not tell him. He would think she was flirting with Mark, and she couldn't risk him thinking that. He might leave her and she would be so alone again, she couldn't stand it. "I'm just tired, really. I think I will just go to bed early tonight." She snuggled against him. She felt so safe here; she just could not risk losing him.

"Don't you want to know about a certain conversation I had today?" Dan was playing with her hair. That got a reaction from Molly.

She turned to him eagerly. "Oh, I forgot. Yes, what did he say? Please tell me it's good news."

"There is absolutely no problem at all. In fact he thinks maybe this is what your Grandfather had in mind all along. I did wonder some at the time. He refused to consider anyone who was married, over 35 or who was involved in a relationship. Now we just have to decide what we want to do. So kid, what do you want to do?" Dan was holding both of her hands.

"Oh Dan, I am so happy, I don't know what to say." Molly couldn't talk she just started crying.

"I didn't think finding out that I love you and want to marry you, would make you cry." Dan started kissing her hard. Molly returned the kisses deeply.

After a few minutes Dan asked her. "So Molly O'Connor, will you marry me?"

"Oh Dan you know it." She grabbed him and began kissing him.

Dan finally broke away. We had better stop this, or you are not going to make it to your wedding night, young lady. And before you say a word, I do want you to have your wish on that. Now I think it is a good idea for you to get to bed. You do look tired and we can make plans tomorrow. He pulled her up and kissed her good night sending her upstairs.

The next few days were spent in a blur talking about wedding plans and trying to set a date. Molly was never happier. Until Wednesday and time for Lit class again.

She sat at her desk waiting for class to start and was almost trembling. Mark came in and passed back the papers to the class.

"For the most part these were very good. I am impressed at the level of writing from some of you. However, I was terribly disappointed in one student, I was told was an 'A' student. That paper was a disappointing 'D'. I would like to see that person after class.

Molly again was in a stupor. She could only stare at the 'D' on the paper in front of her. He had actually done it. He had given her a 'D'. All her happiness just fled. Finally class was over.

"Mark, what do you want from me? This is not fair, you know this was not a 'D' paper."
Molly was angry.

"Molly my dear, my office 2:00; you know what I want. Now I suggest you be there. If I should be a bit late, just strip and wait on the couch. If you don't show, the quiz in Lit Lab tomorrow may just be an 'F'. See you at 2:00." Marc strode out of the classroom giving her a wink as he left.

Molly dissolved in tears. What could she do? She was trapped. She was not going to his office and she just knew he would give her an 'F'. She wanted to tell Dan. "I can't tell him. He is going to think I led Mark on, or I really am not working hard enough because of the wedding plans. What if he calls the whole thing off?"

The next week was the mirror of the previous one. Molly received an "F" on her test and another 'F' and a 'D' on two more papers. She was now becoming physically ill at the thought of going to class. She just didn't know where to turn. She didn't feel she could tell anyone. Everyone else seemed to love Mark and no one would believe her. They would just think it was sour grapes. She had hid her papers and test from Dan.
Every time he asked she told him she was getting an 'A'.

Molly decided that she could just not face Mark anymore. She just would not go to class until she figured out what to do. On Monday of the next week she left home at the usual time and just went to the Student Union instead of class. She did the same on Wednesday and again on Thursday missing Lit Lab. She was feeling so guilty she could hardly look at Dan.

On Thursday night Dan was watching her studying at her desk. She had been so jumpy lately and quiet. He even thought that several times she looked like she had been crying. Each time he asked she denied anything was wrong. She just said she was busy, classes were tough and she was excited about making plans. He had a real surprise for her this weekend, that he thought for sure would relax her. He had shopped for her engagement ring. It was the best diamond he could find. He planned on taking her out to dinner on Friday and giving her the ring.

Dan was just leaving a luncheon with a client on Friday, when he bumped into Kevin Warren, Molly's English Lit professor. "Professor how are you? I haven't seen you in ages. How's the academic life?"

"Oh, fine. I have a new Graduate Teaching Assistant now. I can spend more time on research and writing myself. I'm glad I ran into you though. I've wanted to talk to you. What is wrong with Molly? Is she ill?"

Dan looked at him confused. "No, she is fine. Why do you ask?"

"She had an 'A' in the class until recently. She has turned in three below grade papers. Two 'F's" and a 'D'. Plus she failed a test last week. She has not attended classes all this week. I thought maybe she was sick, but I saw her sitting in the Student Union two of the days she should have been in class. Just yesterday, I saw her sitting in her car and it looked like she was crying. Ever since you started as her guardian she has been a model student. I don't understand it. I thought that maybe something was wrong. I was going to call you this afternoon, but running into you saved me a call."

Dan stood there dumbfounded. "Kevin, I don't know what to say. As far as I knew Molly was still getting an 'A' and she was attending class. I will tell you that I will get an answer this afternoon though."

"Dan, I did not mean to alarm you. I just thought it was strange. It's just such a
complete change of behavior for Molly. Don't worry. I'm sure there is an explanation. Let me know if I can help."

Dan left the restaurant and went home. He called the office and told them he would not be back. This was certainly changing his plans for this evening. What had gotten into her? Surely it could not be just the wedding plans. She was acting different. Had she changed her mind? Did she not want to get married? Was he rushing her? All these thoughts were racing through his mind. He calmed himself and sat down at the desk awaiting her return from school.

Fifteen minutes later she arrived. She walked into the office and was shocked to see him there. "Hi! you're home early aren't you?"

"Yes, I guess a bit. How was school?" Dan motioned her over to sit on his lap.

Molly cuddled up to him. Lately it was the only time she felt safe. "Oh, I guess okay."

"How is English Lit coming? You haven't shown me any of your papers lately. Everything going all right?"

"Oh Yes. Still right on target for that 'A'." Molly was really nervous now. She knew she had been lying and now she just made another big one.

"What is Professor Waren concentrating on this quarter? I haven't heard you mention him lately." Dan was leading her right into his trap.

"Oh, Um, well the same old things I guess. Today he talked about Shakespeare's influence on American tragedies. Kind of boring." Molly was starting to squirm on his lap and avoiding his eyes.

"Hmm., that is interesting. When I saw him at lunch today, he told me he hadn't been in the classroom in three weeks. I guess that would make him missing two weeks more than you, since he told me you hadn't been there all week. Also seems that 'A' you have been talking about has turned into a 'D' or worse." Dan turned her around so she was facing him. "Care to explain yourself before I paddle your butt crimson?"

Molly was stunned. He knew. She couldn't say a thing.

"Molly, I want to know right now what is going on. Why are you disobeying and lying to me? Do you think you can just quit class and loaf because we are getting married? Do you?" Dan shook her. "I want an explanation and I want it NOW! I have never been so disappointed in you as I am at this moment."

Molly dissolved in tears. "I… it isn't what you think… I just … I can't ….I know you hate me!" She couldn't continue.

Dan was not in the mood for this nonsense. "Molly, you have 2 seconds to start talking sense." She still said nothing just stammered.

Dan stood her up and undid her jeans. Jeans and panties were at her ankles and in no time she was over his knee.

"Molly, I do not know what you think you are doing, but I am not putting up with it. You are going to class. We have had this discussion before. I can not believe you have turned an 'A' into a 'D' in a few short weeks. Well darling, that is not going to be tolerated. We may be getting married, but you are still going to school and you are going to obey me. You are not getting away with lying to me."

Without further hesitation Dan started spanking. He spanked for quite a while with his hand without saying a word. Molly was squirming and beginning to cry, when he stopped. She started to get up.

"You are not done Young Lady, you are going nowhere. You are now about to be paddled like I have not had to paddle you for quite sometime. I cannot believe you have slipped back into your old habits." Dan picked up the paddle and began smacking her. He cracked that paddle down at least 50 times. Molly was a mess pleading and sobbing for him to stop. Nothing she said has any effect on him. Finally he stopped.

"Molly, why did you cut class?" Molly said nothing. CRACK, CRACK "Molly I asked you a question?" CRACK, CRACK "Ouch, Ow, I can't tell you." CRACK, CRACK. "I think you better Young Lady!" CRACK,CRACK. "You'll hate me. Please I CAN'T! I just CAN'T' CRACK,CRACK. "Try a little harder." CRACK,CRACK. "Oh, Pleeeasee Dan, you won't love me. Pleeeeasese." Molly was now almost hysterical.

Dan heard the desperation in her voice. He put the paddle down and pulled her up to sit on his lap. "Ouch, that hurts so bad!" Molly just sobbed into his shoulder. "You are going to hate me forever. I will have to leave. I didn't know what to do. I can't live with out you. Please, please don't leave me. I love you. Please, it wasn't my fault. I can't stand this." Molly was now hysterical.

Dan held her tight. "SHH Molly, what are you talking about? I do love you. I will always love you. What are you saying? What happened to you?" Finally Molly calmed down.

Dan held her and kissed her for a minute, then he lifted her chin and looked at her face. "Molly, there is something very wrong here. I think there has been for awhile. I want to know right now what it is. If you don't start talking, I will put you back over my knee and paddle you until you tell me." He rubbed away some tears with his thumb and looked at her.

"Oh Dan, I can't you will hate me." Molly sobbed.

Dan calmly turned her over his knee again. "Okay Molly, we can do it this way." He gently spanked her several times. It was all that was necessary to start her bawling. "Do you want to talk to me know?" Dan asked her.

"I don't know how." Molly bawled.

Dan flipped her over and sat her up. "Try using that mouth of yours. I don't care what you have to say. I want to hear it. I love you and will still love you. But I want to know what is going on."

Molly finally told him about Mark and the papers and quizzes. She explained she could just not face going to class anymore. Dan was furious that this had happened to her. Even more furious and hurt that she had not told him right away. "Molly, why didn't you tell me?"

"I was afraid to. I didn't know what to do. Oh Dan, I'm so sorry." Molly was in tears again.

Dan held her and calmed her down. Finally she was quiet. "Molly, I will never ever not love you. You have to understand and believe that! Now we are going to take care of this problem. Let me see the papers you turned in."

Molly went and got the papers and test and gave them to Dan. "I am going to read these while you rest."

Dan picked her up and carried her up to bed. He tucked her under the covers and kissed her. "Sweetheart don't you worry, I will take care of this."

Molly hugged him and snuggled down into the covers. She felt so loved and at peace finally.

(to be continued in Grandfather's heir finale)