
Welcome this is my story page. if you have a backstreet boys stories and you want it on the internet, i can put it up, just email it to me. page last updated 10/15

what was updated? Kris's Stories page, Emilie's Stories, and The Mystery Trip has 17-23 chapters so enjoy :)~

Soon will be updated is: More of A BSB's Fans Dream Come True, some fan fic I got, and THE NINTH ROSE.

Kris's Stories
Go here to read If I Don't Have You, Set Adrift on Memory's Bliss, and Yet Untitled.

Emilie's Stories
Go here to read A Backstreet Boy's Fans Dream Dome True and Friends Forever.


this story below is written by njbmcb@MNSi.Net please email her if you have questions about her story.

PART 1-The Meeting

|| = Chapter 1= || = Chapter 2= || = Chapter 3= || = Chapter 4= || = Chapter 5= || = Chapter 6= ||
PART 2-The Tour
|| = Chapter 1= ||

Chance of a Lifetime

this story below is written by please email her if you have questions about her story.

\\ = Chapter 1= // \\ = Chapter 2= // \\ = Chapter 3= // \\ = Chapter 4= // \\ = Chapter 5= // \\ = Chapter 6= // \\ = Chapter 7= //
\\ = Chapter 8= //

A Dream Come True

this story below is written by please email her if you have questions about her story.

\-/= Chapter 1= \-/ = Chapter 2= \-/ \-/= Chapter 3= \-/ = Chapter 4= \-/ \-/= Chapter 5= \-/

The Mystery Trip

this story below is written by please email her if you have questions about her story.

/\Chapter 1/\ /\Chapter 2/\ /\Chapter 3/\ /\Chapter 4/\ /\Chapter 5/\ /\Chapter 6/\ /\Chapter 7/\ /\Chapter 8/\ /\Chapter 9/\ /\Chapter 10/\
/\Chapter 11/\ /\Chapter 12/\ /\Chapter 13/\ /\Chapter 14/\ /\Chapter 15/\ /\Chapter 16/\ /\Chapter 17/\ /\Chapter 18/\ /\Chapter 19/\ /\Chapter 20/\ /\Chapter 21/\ /\Chapter 22/\ /\Chapter 23/\

As of Sept. 1, 1998

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