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Orcs and humans do sometimes have love affairs. The outcome is a half-orc. They fit in well in both barbarian human and orc societies. Half-orcs are exposed to both cultures as well.

Half-orcs are as tall as humans, although they are much heavier because of muscle mass. They have a grayish pigment skin, sloping foreheads, jutting jaws, prominent teeth, and coarse body hair. Half-orcs mature and age faster than humans. Most don't live longer than 75 years.

Half-orcs have a +2 strength, -2 intelligence, and -2 charisma bonuses. They can see up to 60 feet in the dark. They can use all special weapons, armors, and abilities as orcs. Their favored class is the barbarian.

A halfling is basically a half-sized human. They are very clever and find room for themselves wherever and whenever they can. They would rather get into trouble than stay bored.

Halflings are about 3 feet tall and weigh about 30 to 35 lbs. Their skin is reddish and their hair is black. They'll either have black or brown eyes. Most have sideburns, but beards are almost unheard of among them even though some prefer a mustache.

Halflings can fit in easily anywhere. They prefer the human societies because they are constantly changing. This gives them a greater opportunity.

They receive +2 Dexterity and -2 Strength. Since they are small, they gain a +1 size bonus to Armor Class, +1 size bonus on attack rolls, and +4 size bonus on Hide checks. They must use smaller weapons than humans because of their size. +2 racial bonus is given on Climb, Jump, and Move Silently checks. +1 racial bonus is given on all saving throws. +2 morale bonus on all saving throws against fear. +1 racial attack bonus is given with a throwing weapon. +2 racial bonus on Listen checks. Their favored class is rogue.

Lycanthropes look like normal people from other races, but have a hidden secret within them. Lycanthropes will change into a were animal for certain reasons. Some change into their animal form because of a full moon, sudden anger, nightfall, or possibly at random.

Lycanthropes appear normal to their original race. They differ only during and after their metamorphosis.

Depending on their original race, they will get along with members of that race normally until their metamorphosis. Depending on how common it is, they may receive harsh treatment.

They receive only the bonuses their original race has while in their normal form. They may receive special bonuses after the metamorphosis. Refer to the Monster Manual for speed and other bonuses. Their Armor Class is the armor they are wearing, all other bonuses, and a +2 bonus depending on the form they are using.

These are a hybrid of humanoids and animals. They look like lycanthropes at times except they do not morph. They are born and die in the same form. Only by magical means can they change.

Anthromorphs are normal sized for the animals they are. They stand upright instead of on four legs like the animals they are part of.

Anthromorphs usually stick together in a community rather than blending with others. When among other races, they are looked at with fear and harsh criticism because of their looks. They get along with elves the easiest, however.

Anthromorphs go by the animal they represent in determining bonuses. All have a strength and dexterity bonus. Some have a charisma bonus.

Gothic Vampire
All gothic vampires are evil creatures. They live off of the blood of the living in their undead lives. They may only be slain after being brought into sunlight or driving a stake in their heart and severing their heads.

Gothic Vampires look like those of the race they originally were except they will be more pale and a predatory look.

Gothic Vampires are feared and hated by every other race. They are thought of as parasites among the living. Only evil characters would associate themselves with a gothic vampire after finding out their true identity.

Their HD increases to d12. They have the same base speed as their original race. Their Armor class increases by 6.  Refer to the Monster Manual for all other special abilities. Most of them are Clerics, Wizards, or Sorcerers. 

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