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Codes: 1 2 3

Illuminate CAVE Lights Easily
The easiest way to illuminate CAVE lights is to rapidly tap the Up-Tilt button as the Poké Ball travels underneath the triangular-shaped bouncers. This will move lit CAVE lights out of the path of the ball, while putting unlit ones in their place.
Note: On the Red Table, when the Poké Ball is being launched, it helps to hold the right flipper up.

Mewtwo Bonus Stage
To get the Mewtwo bonus stage, play both bonus stages per table (ie Seel and Meowth stages on the blue table, Gengar and Diglett on red.) The next bonus stage will be Mewtwo's stage.

Moving Pokémon in the Pokédex
To get the moving Pokémon in the Pokédex select to an unevolved Pokémon or basic Pokémon then press start. Then you can see the Pokémon move. This only works for basic Pokémon.

Pokedex Counter
Go to your Pokedex and press SELECT. This will show you how many pokemon you have and how many you've seen. (The ones you have seen in your pokedex are shadows.)

Predict which way the arrow is pointing in Blue Field
If you want to find out which way the arrow is pointing in Blue Field(into Cloyster's mouth, Slowpoke's mouth, up, or down) then look at the 3 arrows underneath the pathway to the top of the board. If the arrow pointing to the left is lit, it will soon point to Slowpoke. If the arrow to the right is blinking, it will soon point to Cloyster. If the middle arrow is lit, it is either pointing up or down.
Hint: if you want to make sure that it will go into Slowpoke's/Cloyster's mouth, light all the arrows on either side by putting it through the loop.

Red Field Evolution
Having trouble hitting the ball up the outer left loop 4 times? Try this trick: Whenever the ball is initially released into the field(when a new ball is sent or your ball is saved), the ball will bounce up near the edge of the right flipper. While the ball is in limbo, shake the field left(Down on the D-Pad) 4 times; once while the ball is rising, once at the peak, and twice on the way down. Hit the ball with the right flipper as soon as it is in range(the tip of the flipper will strike the ball), and it will always go up the outer left loop. Finally, there's a use for the Ball Saver on the slots!
Another useful method is to stop the ball and hold it with the left flipper up. While the ball is still, it will spin counter-clockwise. Now, release and immediately hit the left flipper; the ball should roll a pixel or two down the flipper before shooting straight up the Evolution Lane. The timing is difficult, but with practice these two tricks will allow you to evolve pokemon at your leisure.

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