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Codes: 1 2 3

Revive Tired Pokémon
While in the Evolution mode, your pokémon may become "tired". To revive them, just hit the ball through one of the loops!

Slot Effects List
Here is a list of the different effects of the slot bonus:

  • Small- get a 100-900 point bonus
  • Big- get a 1,000,000-9,000,000 point bonus
  • Ball Saver- turns the ball saver on under your flippers
  • Ball Upgrade- you ball upgrades one level
  • Bonus Multiplier-the number shown will be added to your bonus multiplier
  • EvoModeStart- starts the evolution mode
  • Twin Pikachus- gives you left and right pikachu kickback till you loose your ball
  • Extra Ball(rare)- gives you one extra ball
  • GoToBonus- proceed to a bonus stage

Special Evolution Bonus
To get the special evolution bonus:

  1. You must get into the evolution mode.
  2. You must get the menu and select a pokemon that has a star.
  3. Go through the whole evoultion process.
  4. After you "evolve" the pokemon you will get a special evoulution bonus worth 10,000,000.

Special Stages
In order to get a special stage you have to catch three pokemon in one place.
For example: If you catch Pikachu, Pidgey, and another Pidgey in Viridian forest, without getting a "game over", or switching to somewhere then back again, a hole will appear saying "Go To BONUS". Go in and you will be in the stage.
The Red field Bonus Stage is Diglett's Cave and the Blue field Bonus Stage is Meowth's House.

Where to find Pokemon
Each Pokemon has a preferred hiding spot. HEre's where to find many of them.


  • Pallet Town: Charmander, Rattata, Nidoran (M), & Poliwag.
  • Viridan Forest: Weedle, Pidgey, & Pikachu.
  • Pewter City: Spearow, Jigglypuff, Ekans, & Magikarp.
  • Cerulean City: Oddish, Mankey, Jynx, & Abra.
  • Vermilion City Seaside: Shellder, Krabby, Ekans, & Farfetch'D.
  • Rock Mountain: Voltorbe, Diglett, & Mr.Mime.
  • Lavender Town: Gastly, Magnemite, Cubone, & Electabuzz.
  • Cycling Road: Spearow, Doduo, Lickitung, & Snorlax.
  • Safari Zone: Paras, Rhyhorn, & Chansey.
  • Seafoam Islands: Horsea, Staryu, Seel, & Articuno.
  • Cinnabar Island: Ponyta, Growlithe, Omanyte, & Kabuto.
  • Indigo Plateau: Machop, Onix, & Ditto.


  • Viridan City: Squirtle, Nidoran (M), & Bulbasaur.
  • Viridian Forest: Caterpie, Rattata, & Pikachu.
  • Mt.Moon: Zubat, Paras, & Clefairy.
  • Cerulean City: Bellsprout, Meowth, Jynx, & Abra.
  • Vermilion City Streets: Shellder, Krabby, Farfetch'D, & Sandshrew.
  • Rock Mountain: Diglet, Voltorbe, & Mr.Mime.
  • Celadon City: Mankey, Meowth, Eevee, & Porygon.
  • Fuchsia City: Magikarp, Goldeen, Kangashan, & Exeggcute.
  • Safari Zone: Doduo, Nidoran (F), & Chansey.
  • Saffron City: Ekans, Sandshrew, Hitmonchan, & Hitmonlee.
  • Cinnabar Island: Ponyta, Koffing, Aerodactyl, & Magmar.
  • Indingo Plateau: Geodude, Ditto, Moltres, & Mewtwo

Note: There are more Pokémon in each area but those are the ones you will find most often.
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