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Do you... YaHoo?!

August 27, 2002
School has started!!! :-) Things are gonna get crazy, but I should be able to update often enough! More pics were added and the People magazine article. Don't forget about the VMAs on Thursday. I heard the rumor about Justin having a guest singer on stage with him. A lot of people think it'll be Britney from what he said on a recent interview "People would never expect the two of us to share a stage", but my bet is on Nick Carter. Sorry guys! Enjoy...SIGN THE GUESTBOOK!

August 12, 2002
Pictures were added in Misc. Not much goin' on in "Brit's World" She's taking some much deserved vacation time. Go for it girl! (Don't stay away too long...we'll miss you!) With Britney on vacation I think the tabloids may go out of business without her to write about. Nah...I'm sure they'll find something on her. Sorry, I'm just a little bitter. Keep checkin' back for new additions! Maybe with the lull in Brit news, I'll be able to touch up little things here and there. (School starts in exactly 2 weeks!) ~D

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