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Additional Information

This page is for information that isn't plentiful enough for its own page but still worth mentioning. Hence the name of said page. Tourmaline is based on D&D3e but it is homebrewed and unaffiliated with any specific genre. It all comes out of my sick and twisted mind. So feel free to enjoy yourself. This server allows official vault characters because I feel that just because I don't know you doesn't mean you shouldn't have fun here. ________________________________________________________________________
All guilds already affiliated with Gemworlds are welcome on Tourmaline, with a few exceptions I will not provide them a home base as I have the CDM, I know its not fair but I'm not running guild central here. I also do not allow random guild wars that can disrupt quests and many other events; you'll have to clear it with me first! ________________________________________________________________________
I do not permit grief players; player Vs player is fine as long as both sides agree to it. If you flagrantly PK and/or are a hindrance upon the gaming populous, you can expect two things. Either you will be placed in a detention area for an indeterminate amount of time or permanently banned. ________________________________________________________________________
Quests on Tourmaline do not respawn; I will be creating new quests to replace the last batch, so if there aren't many quests left, relax, grab an ale at the local bar, hunt some game in the woods and more will be on the way soon. ________________________________________________________________________
Concerning Death: There is no permanent Death on Tourmaline, but you are on your own as to how you will be brought back. To make things easier "On Death's Door" is also supported. There is one exception to the statement above and that is that for those PCs of very low level that are unfamiliar with my world are given a three strikes privilege but they will otherwise be subject to the above rule concerning death. ________________________________________________________________________
Dming Synopsis: In general you will find that I am a very considerate Dungeon Master, but I come in two varieties "Nice" or "Unmerciful". Nice in that I'll work toward making your experience as enjoyable as I can. Unmerciful in that if you ignore many warnings and danger befalls you, you are on your own. (Extenuating circumstances will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis.)
The Gemworlds Neverwinter's Nights The Game The Nexus Where worlds come together.