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As you gaze into the key that you found amongst the many treasures in the great dungeon, it begins to speak into your mind, the voice is pleasant, deep like a strong baritone, yet it has the consistency of an echo from afar.

It Speaks "A Challenge is hereby rendered to the bearer if this key. If thou art able to present it at the Keep of Trials and withstand the perils held there in, Thou art entitled to just reward. Be warned, if thou choseth to undertake the Trials it must be of your own volition. Furthermore you the Key Bearer must undertake the Trials on your own, without any assistance from outside sources. Most importantly, Thou must choose thine Trial Patron and for that thou must searcheth in the Great Halls of…" The voice breaks up at this point but you do manage to hear the last bit before they key no longer feeds your mind and that is "Finally, Key Bearer, I wish the good luck and good fortune."

So spoke the Voice of The Key!

The Gemworlds Neverwinter's Nights The Game The Nexus Where worlds come together.