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  Welcome to Tourmaline, Here I place another quote in what I hope to make a more regular event. I will try to place these quotes in order to show you a taste of all that my world has to offer as far as interesting people, places, occasions and books. I will move the old quotes to a repository page for those of you that are curious and/or find them interesting.

Here is a quote from Teero Finney, an herbalist from Kuryu, who has dabbled lightly in philosophy and umm heavily in ale.

"If a tree falls in the forest and there is no one to hear it, does it make a sound, you ask?

Well the snapping of bark and twig, and the ripping of roots make a sound, but you won't hear a peep out of the tree.

Now! If I trip on the tree's trunk and fall over, but there is no one to hear it, you can bet that I'll make a sound! Cause I'll be roarin' about the idjit tree fallin' in my durn blasted walkin' path!"

The Gemworlds Neverwinter's Nights The Game The Nexus Where worlds come together.