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The Avatars of Tourmaline are all the people known to have been chosen as the direct link to Tourmaline, few know their purpose outside of defending the planet. There is only one in existence at any one time, save for special circumstances. Here is some sparce information that was gleamed from many an ancient text and inscription.

1. Djordje (Chaotic Neutral): The Rage Master, He was the Greatest Barbarian Chieftain to ever walk the planet. He was Chosen at a time when the entire world was Savage, to reflect its chaotic nature. He was a tall, muscular and with dark brown hair, brown eyes and well-tanned skin. He carried a Great Axe and wore no armor. He was fearless no matter the enemy and it earned him his title.


2. Nayla (True Neutral): The Care Taker, She was chosen when the world was consumed by a life destroying desert. She was to create a more abundant nature and to protect it from being destroyed again. She was skinny with soft blue hair, green eyes and fair skin; she dressed in animal hide and wielded a quarterstaff.


3. Thormus (Chaotic Good): The Soul Spring, He was first to discover the volatile powers that one can draw from within. He walked the world and tried to use his magic to help those in need, he also tried to draw out the powers of others who seemed to carry the gift. He was of average build with Black hair, blue eyes and fair skin. He wielded a rapier, and wore a Special Studded Leather Armor


4. Lyra (Chaotic Neutral): The Silent Shadow, She was the best at what she did and that was to sneak around. She was Chosen to spy on the peoples of the world, and to sabotage their work, if that work proved to be dangerous to the planet. She had dark red hair, blue eyes and fair skin. She wielded a Short Sword and a Dagger; she wore Shadow Enchanted Studded Leather.


5. Dragan (Lawful Neutral): The Steel Warrior, He was a great General in a war long forgotten. He fought a loosing Battle but never gave up. In the last moments of the Battle he was chosen, and with that power he defeated the Dark Enemy that had tried to take over. He had shoulder length dark brown hair, brown eyes and tanned skin. He wielded a Longsword and a Medium Shield. He wore Chain mail armor.


6. Kischya (True Neutral): The Alluring Harp, She was chosen to tell the tale of the world’s greatness. She wove the stories of the world into song with the loving strokes of her harp. She had wavy blonde hair, gray eyes and fair skin. She wielded a rapier and a whip, and she wore a chain shirt.


7. Fei Wong (Lawful Neutral): The Iron Spirit, He was a teacher of the Martial Arts who was chosen to create a better order in the world. He was a fighter in many tournaments, and ended his career undefeated. He has waist length black hair tied in a ponytail, dark brown eyes and tanned skin. He fights unarmed and wears no armor.


8. Zohar (Lawful Good): The Grand Magus, He pioneered Arcane Magic and found ways to tap into alternate sources through rigorous study. He reached levels of power unimaginable, by most mages to date. He has long flowing white hair and beard, blue eyes and fair skin. He wears Black Robes with an odd Red, Gold and White Pattern along the front. He wields a Magic Staff and his Spell Book.


9. Ivan (Neutral Good): The Defiant Believer, He dared to believe in a time and place where worship was prohibited. He led many to keep on the divine path, and was chosen to heal and help those in need. He was bald but with a dark brown moustache, green eyes and tanned skin. He wielded a Heavy Mace, medium shield and he wore scale mail armor.


10. Milorad (Chaotic Good): The Careful Trailblazer, He broke new ground and led many settlers into wild territory. He also headed many archeological and exploratory expeditions. He was chosen to explore those lands untouched by civilization and to protect civilization from itself and from nature. He had dark brown to black hair and moustache, brown eyes and tanned skin. He wielded a two bladed sword and wore studded leather armor.


11.Miodrag (Lawful Good): The Vigilant Defender, He wields his Holy Blade against the Evil ambitions of Archanfel and he protects and helps those who further the cause of Good and in times of trouble he is known to appear and lend his aid. He has dark brown to black hair, brown eyes and fair skin. He wields a Great Sword and he wears a special Full Plate Armor.

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