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  This world is vast yet I can only show you but a taste of its wonders. Written below is an excerpt from a tome found in the long forgotten Zernok civilization. It appears to be written by a Gnome named "Gavsindlin" we cannot be sure of it but he seems to have been a Geomancer from long ago.

Excerpt from "Treatise on The Planet's Composition"

Planet Core: Solid, ultra dense, Variable Tourmaline. It has a very high piezoelectric and pyroelectric property. These properties coupled with a very high pressure and temperature with in the core (caused by sheer mass to volume ratio) causes the core to constantly generate electricity.

Mantle: Thick molten silicate, acts like a core cushion. The Mantle cushion is vital to planetary stability because vibrations in the core causes electric discharge, that if it were to arc back in on itself, would in turn cause a Chain Vibration Reaction. A CVR would cause a lot of tremors on the planet’s surface. A CVR is not fatal unless the discharge voltage was so massive as to cause a Full Core Reaction. The Result of which would cause the crust and mantle to shed, leaving behind only the naked core.

Crust: Comparatively thin layer on the planet’s surface. It holds the most vital elements of life. Its contents are of various organic and mineral (inorganic) compounds..."

As to what this could mean, the greatest minds are attempting to decipher it, yet we believe that they do not bode well for those who wish to abuse the planet's power.

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