T.A.P also known as the "Teacher Advisory Program" is a program which explains the process grade 7 and 8 students will have to go through in high school, and what they will have to face when they get there. Every group of students has a teacher who teaches either grade 7 or 8, who informs them of things like the subjects they have to take in high school, what they have a choice of taking, whether it be academic or applied, and of how to be successful in high school. It doesn't only apply to high school however. It also focuses on strategies for studying, ways to improve your marks, and anything else relating to academics. The teachers are also required to talk about University and College, and what the students hope to accomplish later in their lives mainly after University or College. The T.A.P teachers advise the students about what their career choices are, and of the unlimited possibilities they have to succeed in life. They also stride to become acquainted with what the students in their groups hope to accomplish and achieve. What teachers and principals all over the York Region are also hoping to accomplish with this subject taken once a week is to make students more open and interactive with their fellow peers and with every one of their teachers. It's a way for the students to share their ideas, and express their thoughts more in order to help them later on in life. Students may think that the Teacher's Advisory Program is just some subject where they sit down, and listen to the teacher talk about what their supposed to do when they got older, but how little grade 7 and 8 students know. When all of the students at Randall have fancy cars and houses 10 years from now, they'll realize just how important T.A.P really was and how effective it was in teaching them to make the right decisions.