Randall P.S. is abreviated for "Randall Public School". This school is currently located in Markham, Ontario Canada, and is up and running. The school was founded in 1989 and recently celebrated it's tenth anniversary. Construction has been continuing here for the last few months to rid the portapacks in the school, and make attachments with more class rooms. Randall P.S. is a school which believes in hard work, and uses the standardized Ontario cirriculam, which ensures that your child needs will be nurtured. Extra cirricular sports teams, as well as occasional field trips makes Randall a top notch school.
Randall Public School is an active member in the Future Aces program, founded by Herbert Carnagie. Herb Carnagie (A hockey player who never made it to the National Hockey League because of his skin color) formed the Future Aces program to bring up equality among people. The fact that he did not want anything to happen to kids in schooling as it happened to him, due to racial discrimination, earned him an Ontario honor/medal. The future Aces program runs by four main fundementals, which Randall Public School supports. They are: Attitude, Cooperation, Education, and Sportsmanship. At Randall, the Future Aces program is highly encouraged, which makes it a safe place for your child.
If assistance is needed, it is asked that you contact Randall Public School at 50 Randall Avenue, Markham, Ontario Canada, or that you call (905) 479-2003. We look forward to hearing your comments.