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Episode Guide - Season One
Episode Guide - Season One

"Smash and Grab"

Season: 1 Episode: 18
Production Number: 118
Original Airdate: April 7, 1999

Story By: William Applegate, Jr.
--------------Kyle Einhorn
Written By: Kyle Einhorn
Directed By: Ken Blakey

Season 1

1. "Daybomber"
2. "Too Young To Die"
3. "In Transit"
4. "Electra"
5. "Silicon Sting"
6. "Cop Star"
7. "Strange Currencies"
8. "Rage"
9. "Words Will Never Hurt Me"
10. "Rap Sheet"
11. "For Whom the Bullet Tolls"
12. "Old Scores"
13. "My Brother's Keeper"
14. "211 Kidney"
15. "Special Order 40"
16. "Falcon"
17. "Green Justice"
18. "Smash and Grab"
19. "Killing on Lily Lane"
20. "Death House"
21. "When Irish Eyes Are Smiling"
22. "Chester Nut"
23. "Captain Crimestopper"
24. "Big Guns"
25. "National Security"
26. "Wake-Up Call"

Three teenage boys, Allen, Ian, and Harold, Ian's younger brother, cruise down a city street. Ian is forced to videotape them as they smash mailboxes. The two older kids' thrill-seeking escalates when they smash the window of a store and accost the cashier. When the cashier opens fire, both he and Ian fall to the ground, and the other two take off running, Harold throwing the video camera into a dumpster. August and Chase question Harold at headquarters, but he has been threatened by Allen not to talk, or he and his mother will be killed.


Ross Strauss Harold Mathers
Jeff Daurey Alan Sotto
Anne Lockhart Mrs. Mathers
Clay Banks Det. Richardson
Leticia Robles Det. Maria Vallejo
Kenneth Tigar Captain Jensen
Anne Maria Howard Miss. Rolland
Nick Paulos Ian Mathers


  • Vehicles destroyed: 2 (all cars)
  • Chases: 4 (1 car, 1 foot, 1 car/foot, 1 bike)
  • Explosions: 1


  • During the opening credits, Louis Febre is mistakingly credited as the episode's musical composer, while John Gonzalez is credited under "Theme."
  • The kid escaping in the Taurus turns the same hillside corner at least twice.

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