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Matrupanchakam - Greatness of Mother

Press Reviews


edicated to the sacred memory of the translator's beloved mother and offered with utmost reverence at the feet of H. H. Shree Jagadguru Shree Sankaracharya Shree Abhinava Vidyatirtha Mahaswamigal of Shreengeri Sarada Peetha, this "Jewel of Five gems" named Shree Matrupanchakam was embellished with an English rendering and appropriate references to popular traditional texts like Ramayana, Mahabarata, Manusmiriti, Madhaviya Sankara Vijaya, and Acharya Sankara's own utterances, is undoubtedly an inspiring work. Shree Satchidananda Tirtha is popularly known as "Shree Bhashya Swamigal" and the "Sage of Mahadanapuram", and the present composition saw the manifest light of human day in response to the divine command received by him through a dream experience.

The Opening verse, aptly relates to Acharya Sankara's fulfilment of the promise given to his own mother to return to her bed side in the last moments, and expresses his obeisance to her and sings the unequalled excellence of mother hood. The other verses follow up the theme by moving references to the uniqueness of the relation between mother and child, and the glory of the woman that is the mother. Every line of the composition is profoundly suggestive of the meaning and the brief notes appearing under each verse reflect the profundity remarkably.

-- The Call Divine
    1st May 1974

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