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Matrupanchakam - Greatness of Mother

Press Reviews


atru-panchakam is a poem of five verses in Sanskrit was originally composed in 1964 by Shree Bhashya Swami of Mahadanapuram. It portrays the sentiments of Adi Sankara when he came to the side of his dying mother in Kalady.

Shree K. K. Sankaran of Bombay has translated the poem into English and provided and introduction and explanatory notes with apt quotations from Madhaviya Sankara Vijayam, the Mahabaratha, the Ramayana and other ancient books. He has published it in the present form, in the memory of his mother, who passed away in 1972. The book shows on every page, the ideal love and regard that a son should have for his mother in life and in death and points out, how apart from the performance of obsequies on her passing away, he could perpetuate her memory by a publication of literary and spiritual value to spread the fragrance of her good life.

-- Vedanta Kesari
    October 1974 issue

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