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The Dewey Man has written his first WWA column - July 10th

An exclusive interview with former WCW champion David Arquette - June 24th

A great edition of Pinfalls by Brandon Finch - June 22nd

V-Mans Column - June 22nd

The Ultimate Warrior speaks out about Andrew McManus - June 7th

Editorial - June 5th

4th Edition of "Pinfalls" by Brandon Finch - May 23

2nd Edition of V-Mans column is up - May 11

3rd Edition of "Pinfalls" by Brandon Finch - May 4th

Interview with One Half of the WWA Tag Team "Native Blood" by Zach - May 4th

Interview with Paul Heymans right hand man in ECW; Part 2 - April 22nd

2nd Edition of "Pinfalls" by Brandon Finch - April 22nd

First edition of "V-Man`s column is up - April 18th

Interview with WWF Wrestler Ron "H20" Waterman - April 18th

1st Edition of "Pinfalls" by Brandon Finch - April 12th

Zachs Interview with WWA Wrestler Alan "Kwee Kwee" Funk - April 1st

Zachs Interview with Paul Heymans right hand man - March 24th

Zachs Column - March 20th


I am currentley on the lookout for some Column writers. I dont care how often you write columns, Im not bothered if you only ever write one column! Please if you feel you can contribute to the site please send your column to -
I dont mind mild swearing in your columns but try keep it to a minimum, If you have any opinion at all on the WWA please send me your columns!