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The Great Mystery of Akhenaton

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Akhenaton was the great enigma of the eighteenth dynasty.   He ruled Egypt for about 25 years in the middle of the 13th century BC and for a great part of that time had with him his consort the beautiful Nefertiti.

What was the enigma of Akhenaton?  Why did his reign cause such disruption in the history of Egypt?  His reign and the period immediately after it is referred to as the Amarna Period  because for some mysterious reason he moved his court to that place which is equidistant between Thebes, the great city of Amon, the Lord and Giver of Life and Heliopolis, near Cairo the even more ancient center of the worship of Ra.

The King’s new religion, the worship of the Aton, was more akin to the solar cult of Ra but it was in many ways different.  The king ultimately forbade the worship of God in any other form and closed down the other temples in Egypt that were not dedicated to the Aton.

What exactly was the Aton?   And what made the King so dramatically change the religion of his empire as a result of him ‘seeing the light’ is open to conjecture and is one of the greatest mysteries of Egypt’s history.   It was not quite the same thing as Henry VIII wanting an annulment of his marriage to Catherine of Aragon and forming his own Church in order to achieve his end.

Akenaton’s spiritual metamorphosis from Amenophis IV, as he was known upon ascending the divine throne of Horus to Akhenaton, was a process of religious and spiritual upheaval within himself.  It was as if he, like St. Paul, had seen a blinding vision, which changed his life and caused him to impose the true religion of the worship of the Aton upon his people.

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The King spent the rest of his life in his pleasure palace and worshipping at the great temple of the Aton at Amarna.  He ordered all the court artists to depict everything in a more realistic form. It is this that has led to speculation about the form of the king, for he is depicted as having female hips and breasts. Yet he certainly was male for he sired no fewer than six daughters and it is not beyond the realms of possibility that Tutankhamun was his son!

What was the Aton?  It was the life giving force behind the solar disc.  Rays that emanated from the solar disc, which terminated in benevolent hands holding an ankh, represented it.  This sandal strap is the hieroglyph for life.  Even today, the Coptic Church uses this as a form of the cross, which in real terms is a statement that Christ, through His death on the cross, has given us life eternal!

Who was Akhenaton?  This is the ultimate question, for his depiction with female hips and breasts is accompanied by another very strange feature.  He and his children, all have a very much-elongated skull and a very strangely shaped face with slanting, almost slit eyes and thick lips.   So many first hand encounters with alien crafts report the beings as having many of the features of Akhenaton!   Could he have been a genetic throw back to the race of Osiris?  Unfortunately,  the mummy of Akhenaton does not exist.  If it did, then we would be able to examine his skull and also his genetic composition.    The skull of Tutankhamun is in the Cairo Museum, and its protrusion at the back is somewhat large!


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Last modified: June 22, 2000

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